I am having urls displayed with category and article ids such as http://www.mysite.com/54-mycategory/59-myarticle. In order to remove the numbers, I had to manually create menu items for each article - which then successfully omits the numbers from the urls.

This is perhaps not the right way to create SEF urls as this requires extra work to create the menu items. Does anyone know of a better way to do this? I couldn't find any extensions that can do this effectively.


1 回答 1


不,这就是 Joomla 默认路由在 2.5 和 3.x 版本中的工作方式。

您需要像您一样为每篇文章创建一个菜单项,或者安装一个 3rd 方插件来处理它。

在您的情况下,我猜 Joomla 扩展目录中的大多数 SEF 扩展都可以。我在 SH404SEF(一个非常完整的解决方案)和 Simple Custom Router(一个非常基本的插件 - 用于编码人员)方面有很好的经验

于 2014-01-12T17:04:33.703 回答