When I run a test in IntelliJ IDEA 13.01 Ultimate, with any luck it just passes. In those rare cases (ha!) when I get an exception, though, it displays that exception on the right side of the Run context, as is shown below:

Run context with stack trace

The up and down arrows between the two panes can walk you through the stack trace, which is great. And they claim to have a keyboard shortcut, ctrl+alt+down and ctrl+alt+up. But these shortcuts do not seem to work with any obvious workflow, and I always wind up forced to use my mouse. This is, in fact, the only time I have to use my mouse in my IntelliJ IDEA workflow. What am I doing wrong?

  1. shift-alt-F10 to select the test case I want to see.
  2. The image below appears, except the two blue arrows are grayed out. This is true whether the editor window contains a relevant source file or not.
  3. Using the mouse, click on an item in the stack trace.
  4. The two arrows are now colored, and can be used by clicking on them. Their keyboard shortcuts, however, cannot be used.
  5. The keyboard shortcuts seem to work occasionally, under conditions that I do not understand.

I am using the ideavim plugin--could that be an issue?


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于 2015-02-24T21:00:01.127 回答