我一直在玩 ractive.js 并试图了解它的能力。我有一个相当常见的例子,一个带有一些内部状态逻辑的视图,我想清楚地跟踪它。在完成教程之后,这似乎是 Ractive 非常擅长的事情,但我很难弄清楚这一点。
更新:我根据我得到的第一个答案中的反馈修改了下面的测试用例,以澄清我遇到的确切问题。你可以在这里看到完整的例子:http: //jsfiddle.net/e7Mjm/1/
<div id="toc-view"></div>
<script id="ractive-toc" type="text/ractive">
<li class="{{type}}">
<span class="ordinal">{{ordinalize(ordinal)}}</span>
<a data-id="{{element_id}}">{{title}}</a>
{{#(sections.length > 0)}}
<a class="{{open ? 'expand open' : 'expand'}}" on-click="toggleSections"></a>
<ul class="{{open ? 'sections open' : 'sections'}}">
<!-- {{>section}} -->
<li class="{{type}}">
<span class="ordinal">{{ordinalize(ordinal)}}</span>
<a data-id="{{element_id}}">{{title}}</a>
<!-- {{/section}} -->
我有一些简单的 CSS 样式来格式化它:
ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0}
ul.sections { padding-left: 20px; }
a.expand { color: red; }
a.expand:before { content: "+"; }
a.expand.open { color: blue; }
a.expand.open:before { content: "-"; }
以及以下 Javascript 使其全部工作:
data = [
id: "smith-about",
title: "About this book",
type: "front-matter"
id: "smith-preface",
title: "Preface",
type: "front-matter"
id: "smith-ch01",
title: "Intro to Biology",
ordinal: "1",
type: "chapter",
sections: [
id: "smith-ch01-s01",
title: "What is biology?",
ordinal: "1.1",
type: "section"
id: "smith-ch01-s02",
title: "What is a biologist?",
ordinal: "1.2",
type: "section"
id: "smith-ch01-s03",
title: "So you want to be a biologist?",
ordinal: "1.3",
type: "section"
id: "smith-ch02",
title: "Applied Biology",
ordinal: "2",
type: "chapter",
sections: [
id: "smith-ch02-s01",
title: "Biology in the lab",
ordinal: "2.1",
type: "section"
id: "smith-ch02-s02",
title: "Biology in the field",
ordinal: "2.2",
type: "section"
id: "smith-ch02-s03",
title: "Biology in the classroom",
ordinal: "2.3",
type: "section"
ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'toc-view',
template: '#ractive-toc',
data: {
chapters: data,
ordinalize: function(ordinal) {
return ordinal ? ordinal + "." : "▸";
ractive.on('toggleSections', function(event) {
event.context.open = !event.context.open;
如果您尝试使用 JS Fiddle,您会看到模板正确呈现,但交互行为不太正确:如果您单击a.expand
这是我一直遇到的真正问题,在 ractive 事件绑定中,我似乎不是一个很好的方法来定义只影响用户正在与之交互的特定数据对象的交互,而是交互似乎影响所有数据。