我编写了一个从边列表(取自数据库)创建图形的函数。我使用图形工具库。Python 和这个库对我来说很新。

图中的每个顶点都应该用一对字符串和数字来描述。在函数中,如果我考虑向图中添加新顶点,首先我检查图中是否存在具有相同属性的顶点。为此,我使用 find_vertex 函数。我不明白为什么会发生 TypeError,请帮忙。这里有这个函数的代码和回溯(如下):

编辑:还有一件事我必须处理 unicode 字符串。

def make_graph():
    conn = get_connection()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    wordnetList = cursor.fetchall()
    g= Graph(directed=False)
    vprop = g.new_vertex_property("python::object")
    g.vertex_properties['lexicalunit'] = vprop
    for (hyponym, v1, hyperonym, v2) in wordnetList: # hyponym and v1 (string and integer respectively) are properties of first vertex, hyperonym and v2 for the second
        matched1 = find_vertex(g, g.vp['lexicalunit'], (hyponym, v1)) # this is line with problem
        if len(matched1) == 0:
            ver1 = g.add_vertex()
            vprop[ver1] = (hyponym, v1)
        elif len(matched1) >= 1:
            ver1 = matched1[0]

        matched2 = find_vertex(g, g.vp['lexicalunit'], (hyperonym, v2))
        if len(matched2) == 0:
            ver2 = g.add_vertex()
            vprop[ver2] = (hyperonym, v2)
        elif len(matched2) >= 1:
            ver2 = matched2[0]

       g.add_edge(ver1, ver2)
   return g


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/olorin/Dokumenty/nlp-rr/CRFRelationRecogniser/python/wordnet_explorer/<ipython-input-2-163ed9b92398> in <module>()
----> 1 grf = make_graph()

/home/olorin/Dokumenty/nlp-rr/CRFRelationRecogniser/python/wordnet_explorer/hypgraph.py in make_graph()
     65     for (hyponym, v1, hyperonym, v2) in wordnetList:
     66         print(hyponym, v1, hyperonym, v2)
---> 67         matched1 = find_vertex(g, g.vp['lexicalunit'], (hyponym, v1))
     68         if len(matched1) == 0:
     69             ver1 = g.add_vertex()

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graph_tool/util/__init__.pyc in find_vertex(g, prop, match)
     53     can be either a :class:`~graph_tool.PropertyMap` or string with value "in",
     54     "out" or "total", representing a degree type."""
---> 55     val = _convert(prop, match)
     56     ret = libgraph_tool_util.\
     57           find_vertex_range(weakref.ref(g), _degree(g, prop),

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graph_tool/__init__.pyc in _convert(prop, val)
    232     if type(vtype) is tuple:
    233         return [vtype[1](x) for x in val]
--> 234     return vtype(val)

TypeError: object.__new__() takes no parameters

1 回答 1


这是图形工具中的一个错误。它现在已在 git 版本中修复: http://git.skewed.de/graph-tool/commit/?id= 566d6dd816e167e1c9e824961537301ee1527e14

于 2014-01-13T13:14:47.873 回答