它应该如何工作是一旦种子下载完成,它就会运行脚本并获取种子上的标签。为了测试,我正在下载一首带有 Music 标签的歌曲。当它到达 :copyfile 时,它不会将它移动到正确的目录中。它没有移动到 F:\Completed Torrents\Music,而是移动到 F:\Completed Torrents。
@echo off
title Liam's torrent-file script
rem Parameter usage: fromdir torrent-name label kind [filename]
rem corresponds to uTorrents flags: %D %N %L %K %F
echo *********************************************
echo Run on %date% at %time%
set fromdir=%1
set name=%2
set label=%3
set kind=%4
set filename=%5
set savepartition="F:\Completed Torrents"
set winrar="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"
set torrentlog="F:\Torrent Scripts\logs\torrentlog.txt"
set handledlog="F:\Torrent Scripts\logs\handled_torrents.txt"
set errorlog="F:\Torrent Scripts\logs\ErrorLog.txt"
set label_prefix=""
echo Input: %fromdir% %name% %label% %kind% %filename%
rem Check if the label has a sub label by searching for \
if x%label:\=%==x%label% goto skipsublabel
rem Has a sub label so split into prefix and suffix so we can process properly later
echo sub label
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=\ " %%a in ("%label%") do set label_prefix=%%a&set label_suffix=%%b
rem add the removed quote mark
set label_prefix=%label_prefix%"
set label_suffix="%label_suffix%
echo.prefix : %label_prefix%
echo.suffix : %label_suffix%
echo Skipped Sub Label
echo %date% at %time%: Handling %label% torrent %name% >> %handledlog%
rem Process the label
if %label%=="Movies" goto known
if %label%=="Music" goto known
if %label_prefix%=="TV" goto TV
rem Last resort
rem Double underscores so the folders are easier to spot (listed on top in explorer)
echo Last Resort
set todir=%savepartition%\Unsorted\__%name%
if %kind%=="single" goto copyfile
if %kind%=="multi" goto copyall
echo **Known Download Type - %label%
set todir=%savepartition%\%label%\%name%
echo todir = %todir%
echo **Known Download Type - %label%
set todir=%savepartition%\%label_prefix%\%label_suffix%
echo todir = %todir%
rem If there are rar files in the folder, extract them.
rem If there are mkvs, copy them. Check for rars first in case there is a sample.mkv, then we want the rars
if %kind%=="single" goto copyfile
if exist %fromdir%\*.rar goto extractrar
if exist %fromdir%\*.mkv goto copymkvs
if %kind%=="multi" goto copyall
echo Guess we didnt find anything
echo **Type unidentified so copying all
echo Copy all contents of %fromdir% to %todir%
xcopy %fromdir%\*.* %todir% /S /I /Y
rem Copies single file from fromdir to todir
echo Single file so just copying
echo Copy %filename% from %fromdir% to %todir%
xcopy %fromdir%\%filename% %todir%\ /S /Y
echo Copy all mkvs from %fromdir% and subdirs to %todir%
xcopy %fromdir%\*.mkv %todir% /S /I /Y
echo Extracts all rars in %fromdir% to %todir%.
rem Requires WinRar installed to c:\Program files
if not exist %todir% mkdir %todir%
IF EXIST %fromdir%\subs xcopy %fromdir%\subs %todir% /S /I /Y
IF EXIST %fromdir%\subtitles xcopy %fromdir%\subtitles %todir% /S /I /Y
call %winrar% x %fromdir%\*.rar *.* %todir% -IBCK -ilog"%todir%\RarErrors.log"
IF EXIST %fromdir%\*.nfo xcopy %fromdir%\*.nfo %todir% /S /I /Y
编辑 另外,由于某种原因,在第 39 行没有任何内容打印到日志中。对于那些希望查看带有行号的代码的人:http: //hastebin.com/juqokefoxa.dos