我想从另一个 postgress 数据库(9.1.7)导入一个表到我的(9.1.11)。我尝试导入转储,但出现一堆语法错误,我假设版本不匹配存在一些问题?
除了降级我的 postgress 安装以匹配所需的输入文件之外,还有更好的解决方案吗?
这是我在 9.1.7 系统上导出数据库时使用的命令:
pg_dump superdb -U tester -a -t guidedata > /tmp/guidedata.sql
这是我用来导入转储文件 guidedata.sql 的命令
psql linuxdb -U tester -h localhost < guidedata.sql
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
-- Data for Name: epg; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: spy
COPY epg (id, channel, sdate, stime, duration, stitle, ltitle, theme, sdesc, ldesc, mpaa, rating, stereo, surround, sap, closedcaptioned, animated, blackwhite, rerun, live, ismovie, nudity, language, violence, adulttheme, halfstars, field1) FROM stdin;
90056520 AMC 01092014 0100 270 Titanic Titanic 8,15 A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet (1997) A society girl abandons her haughty fiance for a penniless artist on the ill-fated ship's maiden voyage. (3:15) MPAAPG13 TVPG f f f t f f t f t t t t t 8 f
90056521 AMC 01092014 0530 180 Love Actually Love Actually 23,15 Various people deal with relationships in London. Hugh Grant, Laura Linney (2003) A prime minister, an office worker, a pop star, a jilted writer, married couples and various others deal with relationships in London. (2:15) MPAAR TVPG f f t t f f t f t t t f t 6 f
90056522 AMC 01092014 0830 150 Four Four Weddings and a Funeral 23,15 An English charmer meets a lusty American. Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell (1994) An English charmer and a lusty American make love over a course of surprising events. (1:56) MPAAR TV14 f f t t f f t f t f t f t 7 f
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90056526 AMC 01092014 1230 30 More Sex More Sex, Less Stress 19 Androzene promotes male sexual health & nourishes the body. Androzene promotes male sexual health and nourishes the body. f f f f f f t f f f f f f 0 f
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90056528 AMC 01092014 1330 30 Medicare Looking for a Medicare plan? Tune in now! 19 Watch and learn about Humana Medicare Advantage plans. Watch and learn about Humana Medicare Advantage plans. f f f f f f t f f f f f f 0 f
90056529 AMC 01092014 1400 5 Stooges The Three Stooges 6 The caveman boys meet cavewomen. Moe Howard, Larry Fine ''I'm a Monkey's Unc
ERROR: syntax error at or near "Route"
LINE 1: Route 66 renovation gives Ron a change of heart. TVPG t f f...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "Ron"
LINE 1: Ron and Jason bring out the Pontiac GTO. TVPG t f f t f f t...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "repairing"
LINE 1: repairing the clutch and drive shaft on the 1995 BMW. TVPG ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "classic"
LINE 1: classic Bucik;