我正在尝试使用zlib 库中的 C 函数 gzopen、gzread 和 gzclose 在 Fortran 中读取 gzip 文件。我的子例程在包含 print 语句时可以正常工作,但在Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)没有它时给出了 a 。是什么导致这种情况发生,我该如何解决?

module gzmodule
    use :: iso_c_binding
    implicit none
    public fastunzip

        type(c_ptr) function gzopen(filename,mode) bind(c)
            use :: iso_c_binding
            character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: filename
            character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: mode
        end function gzopen
    end interface

        integer(c_int) function gzread(gzfile,buffer,length) bind(c)
            use :: iso_c_binding
            type(c_ptr), value :: gzfile
            character(len=1,kind=c_char) :: buffer(*)
            integer(c_int) :: length
        end function gzread
    end interface

        integer(c_int) function gzclose(gzfile) bind(c)
            use :: iso_c_binding
            type(c_ptr), value :: gzfile
        end function
    end interface


        subroutine fastunzip(filename, isize,abuf,ierr)
            use :: iso_c_binding
            character(len=*,kind=c_char), intent(in) :: filename
            integer(c_int), intent(out) :: isize
            character(len=1,kind=c_char), intent(inout) :: abuf(:,:,:,:)
            integer(4), intent(out) :: ierr
            type(c_ptr) :: gzfile
            integer(c_int) :: iclose
            logical :: c_associated
            ierr = 1  !! indicates that an error has occured
            isize = 0
            gzfile = gzopen(trim(filename)//c_null_char,"rb")
            if (.not.c_associated(gzfile)) return
            isize = gzread(gzfile,abuf,size(abuf))
            print*,isize  !! why do I need this for it to work?
            if (isize.ne.size(abuf)) return
            iclose = gzclose(gzfile)
            if (iclose.ne.0) return
            ierr = 0  !! success
        end subroutine fastunzip

end module gzmodule

program main
    use gzmodule        
    implicit none

    character(100) :: filename = './f10_19950120v7.gz'
    integer(4) :: isize
    integer(4) :: ierr
    logical(4) :: exists

    integer(4), parameter :: nlon = 1440
    integer(4), parameter :: nlat = 720
    integer(4), parameter :: nvar = 5
    integer(4), parameter :: nasc = 2
    character(1) :: abuf(nlon,nlat,nvar,nasc)

    if (.not.exists) stop 'file not found'

    call fastunzip(filename, isize,abuf,ierr)
    print*,'return value of isize ',isize
    if (ierr.ne.0) stop 'error in fastunzip'

end program main

我在 CentOS 上编译:

gfortran -o example_usage.exe example_usage.f90 /lib64/libz.so.1



1 回答 1


In subroutine fastunzip you declare logical :: c_associated. However, you get this function by use association (of iso_c_binding), so you should remove that line.

My installed gfortran (4.8) marks that as an error, so I guess you have an older version? But once I remove that line your code appears to work even without the print, so perhaps that is worth trying for you.

On a style note, I'd recommend use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, perhaps even with only (which would also flag to you that the c_associated is through use association).

于 2014-01-10T18:33:45.060 回答