I am using Active MQ storage mechanism for my UDP packet processing. One UDP packet processing Program is listening UDP packets and inserting into 4 Queues which is configured. I have one consumer program which is consuming from these 4 queues by creating 4 threads. Each thread process the packet and insert into db and then call a webservice to do various functionalists and then only process the next packet. My problem is in some days when the frequency of getting packets are very high, the consumer is not consuming fastly and Queuing is happening. However in Queuing time and Non-Queuing Time the webservice processing time for a packet is same and almost constant to 50 ms.

So during this Quing time I will have to stop the webservice and restore the issue. When I am stoping the webservice the Dequeuing is happening fastly. But I want to use all the functionalities of webservice and the processing should be also high. Because of this Queuing Issue Recently I have increased the number of Qs from 4 to 6 and for some time it restored my issue. But as and when the number of packets are getting high Queuing is happening and the processing is not happening in higher rate.

Please advice how can I solve the issue ?

Thanks for you time.


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