Error 2. SignTool.exe Missing.
我在计算机上搜索 SignTool.exe,该文件不存在。我安装了 Windows SDK,但没有用,文件仍然不存在。然后我安装了 .Net 框架 Silverlight,然后重新安装了整个 Microsoft Visual Basic。该文件仍然不存在。
我在哪里可以下载 SignTool.exe?
signtool.exe is part of the .NET SDK. You'll need to download that, which will install it into the proper location.
You should be able to find the .NET SDK with a search on MSDN. There's no point in posting a link here, because they change over time or as new versions are released. (You can also find it by searching Google for "dot net sdk", which returns many different links to the Microsoft pages.)
我遇到了同样的问题,但安装 Windows SDK 对我不起作用(我的机器上仍然缺少 signtool.exe)。
我偶然发现了这个解决方案:http ://www.benedykt.net/2015/08/12/missing-signtool-exe-w-visual-studio-2015/