according to Google, filechooser is taken off and no longer working on android 4.4, but why would chrome still working? I have a device that is running android 4.4. My app has a webview, and inside of this webview I have a button which allow user to upload photo. It was working fine until 4.4. my question is that how come Chrome is able to pick up filechooser event but mine is not while both apps(chrome and mine) are running on the same device. what did google do differently? Thanks!
1556 次
1 回答
KitKat 中发生了一个错误,它破坏了 Chrome 的文件选择器(,我相信 WebView 受到了同样的问题.
WebView 仅通过私有 API(即开发人员不应使用或依赖的 API)支持文件选择器,该 API 在 KitKat 中已删除。
WebView 团队知道有多少开发人员想要这样做。
正如 Kinlan 所说,Android 版 Chrome 不使用 WebView。
于 2014-01-13T15:19:14.493 回答