当我尝试使用Caliper运行基准方法时,它会在完成任何测量之前退出。我在调试器中确认 Caliper 正在执行基准测试方法两次,当时它正在经历其试运行阶段。但是当它试图运行实验时,它在完成任何事情之前就退出了。


public int testNewOrder(int reps) {
    OrderRequest newOrder = this.newOrder;
    for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
        router.getWorker().processOrderRequest(USER_CONN_ID, newOrder, System.currentTimeMillis());
    return 10;

运行 with--verbose不会产生我可以看到的任何不同的输出。整个输出是:

Experiment selection: 
  Instruments:   [allocation, runtime]
  User parameters:   {}
  Virtual machines:  [default]
  Selection type:    Full cartesian product

This selection yields 2 experiments.
Starting experiment 1 of 2: {instrument=allocation, benchmarkMethod=testNewOrder, vm=default, parameters={}}… The worker exited without producing data. It has likely crashed. Run with --verbose to see any worker output.

我在 Windows 7 上运行,使用 JDK 1.7.0_40(以防万一)。我通过调试器运行 Caliper 代码,我看到它在这里退出:

// ExperimentingCaliperRun.java, line 384

     processFuture.addListener(new Runnable() {
        @Override public void run() {
          if (!pipeReaderFuture.isDone()) {
            // the process completed without the pipe ever being written to.  it crashed.
            // TODO(gak): get the output from the worker so we can know why it crashed
            stdout.print("The worker exited without producing data. "
                + "It has likely crashed. Run with --verbose to see any worker output.\n");
      }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor());

pipeReaderFuture.isDone()返回假。我不确定为什么。没有写入 stderr 的错误。


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于 2014-01-10T20:19:55.290 回答