我相信我刚刚安装了 pip、nose、distribute 和 virtualenv。我想检查并在终端中运行 pydoc 模块以查看其中的内容-它们都没有出现。我错过了什么吗?这些模块是否应该出现。终端输出如下(Mac,Python 2.7)。
要安装这些模块,我首先使用sudo easy_install pip
. 然后,我做了以下事情:
pip install virtualenv
pip install nose
pip install distribute
一切似乎都“工作” - 终端下载了一些东西并打印了一些我认为暗示它工作的输出(我无法返回并复制/粘贴输出,因为我关闭了该终端窗口并重新打开,希望我新安装的模块可能会出现)
My Name-MacBook:~ myname$ pydoc modules
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
2014-01-08 11:56:42.191 Python[3196:1107] Error loading /Developer/Library/Frameworks/InterfaceBuilderKit.framework/InterfaceBuilderKit: dlopen(/Developer/Library/Frameworks/InterfaceBuilderKit.framework/InterfaceBuilderKit, 265): Library not loaded: @rpath/DevToolsRemoteClient.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsRemoteClient
Referenced from: /Developer/Library/Frameworks/InterfaceBuilderKit.framework/InterfaceBuilderKit
Reason: image not found
2014-01-08 11:56:42.531 Python[3196:1107] Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7ff9d4354070 </System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework> (not loaded)
AVFoundation _TE dircache pstats
AddressBook _Win dis pty
AppKit __builtin__ distutils pwd
AppleScriptKit __future__ dl py2app
AppleScriptObjC _abcoll doctest py_compile
Audio_mac _ast dumbdbm pyclbr
Automator _bisect dummy_thread pydoc
BaseHTTPServer _builtinSuites dummy_threading pydoc_data
Bastion _codecs easy_install pyexpat
CFNetwork _codecs_cn email pylab
CFOpenDirectory _codecs_hk encodings pytz
CGIHTTPServer _codecs_iso2022 errno quopri
Canvas _codecs_jp exceptions random
Carbon _codecs_kr fcntl re
Cocoa _codecs_tw filecmp readline
CodeWarrior _collections fileinput repr
Collaboration _csv findertools resource
ColorPicker _ctypes fnmatch rexec
ConfigParser _ctypes_test formatter rfc822
Cookie _curses fpformat rlcompleter
CoreData _curses_panel fractions robotparser
CoreFoundation _elementtree ftplib runpy
CoreGraphics _functools functools sched
CoreLocation _hashlib future_builtins scipy
CoreText _heapq gc select
Dialog _hotshot genericpath sets
DictionaryServices _io gensuitemodule setuptools
DocXMLRPCServer _json gestalt sgmllib
EasyDialogs _locale getopt sha
ExceptionHandling _lsprof getpass shelve
Explorer _multibytecodec gettext shlex
FSEvents _multiprocessing glob shutil
FileDialog _osx_support grp signal
Finder _pyio gzip site
FixTk _random hashlib smtpd
Foundation _scproxy heapq smtpd2
FrameWork _socket hmac smtplib
HTMLParser _sqlite3 hotshot sndhdr
IN _sre htmlentitydefs socket
InputMethodKit _ssl htmllib sqlite3
InstallerPlugins _strptime httplib sre
InstantMessage _struct ic sre_compile
InterfaceBuilderKit _symtable icglue sre_constants
JavaScriptCore _sysconfigdata icopen sre_parse
LatentSemanticMapping _testcapi idlelib ssl
LaunchServices _threading_local ihooks stat
MacOS _tkinter imageop statvfs
Message _warnings imaplib string
MimeWriter _weakref imghdr stringold
MiniAEFrame _weakrefset imp stringprep
Nav abc importlib strop
Netscape aepack imputil struct
OSATerminology aetools inspect subprocess
OpenDirectory aetypes io sunau
OpenSSL aifc itertools sunaudio
PixMapWrapper altgraph json symbol
PreferencePanes antigravity keyword symtable
PubSub anydbm lib2to3 sys
PyObjCTools applesingle linecache sysconfig
PyRSS2Gen appletrawmain locale syslog
QTKit appletrunner logging tabnanny
Quartz argparse macerrors tarfile
Queue argvemulator macholib telnetlib
ScreenSaver array macostools tempfile
ScriptingBridge ast macpath terminalcommand
ScrolledText asynchat macresource termios
SearchKit asyncore macurl2path test
ServiceManagement atexit mailbox textwrap
SimpleDialog audiodev mailcap this
SimpleHTTPServer audioop markupbase thread
SimpleXMLRPCServer autoGIL marshal threading
SocketServer base64 math time
StdSuites bdb matplotlib timeit
StringIO bdist_mpkg md5 tkColorChooser
SyncServices bgenlocations mhlib tkCommonDialog
SystemConfiguration binascii mimetools tkFileDialog
SystemEvents binhex mimetypes tkFont
Tix bisect mimify tkMessageBox
Tkconstants bonjour mmap tkSimpleDialog
Tkdnd bsddb modulefinder toaiff
Tkinter bsddb185 modulegraph token
UserDict buildtools mpl_toolkits tokenize
UserList bundlebuilder multifile trace
UserString bz2 multiprocessing traceback
WebKit cPickle mutex ttk
XgridFoundation cProfile netrc tty
_AE cStringIO new turtle
_AH calendar nis twisted
_App cfmfile nntplib types
_CF cgi ntpath unicodedata
_CG cgitb nturl2path unittest
_CarbonEvt chunk numbers urllib
_Cm cmath numpy urllib2
_Ctl cmd objc urlparse
_Dlg code opcode user
_Drag codecs operator uu
_Evt codeop optparse uuid
_File collections os videoreader
_Fm colorsys os2emxpath warnings
_Folder commands parser wave
_Help compileall pdb weakref
_IBCarbon compiler pickle webbrowser
_Icn contextlib pickletools whichdb
_LWPCookieJar cookielib pimp wsgiref
_Launch copy pipes xattr
_List copy_reg pkg_resources xdrlib
_Menu crypt pkgutil xml
_Mlte csv platform xmllib
_MozillaCookieJar ctypes plistlib xmlrpclib
_OSA curses popen2 xxsubtype
_Qd datetime poplib zipfile
_Qdoffs dateutil posix zipimport
_Qt dbhash posixfile zlib
_Res dbm posixpath zope
_Scrap decimal pprint
_Snd difflib profile
Enter any module name to get more help. Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".