作为整个项目的一部分,我需要创建一个 Message-Broker 应用程序,它接受 XML 格式的数据并生成电子邮件。
“MQ 输入 - 计算 - 电子邮件输出”
esql 文件包含以下代码: CREATE FUNCTION Main() RETURNS BOOLEAN BEGIN CALL CopyMessageHeaders();
-- Add recipient information to the EmailOutputHeader
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader.To = '<recipient email address>';
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader.Cc = '<recipient email address>';
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader.Bcc = '<recipient email address>';
-- Add sender information to EmailOutputHeader
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader.From = '<sender email address>';
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader."Reply-To" = '<reply email address>';
-- Add subject to EmailOutputHeader
SET OutputRoot.EmailOutputHeader.Subject = 'Replaced by ESQL compute node.';
-- Add SMTP server information to the LocalEnvironment
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Email.SMTPServer ='<smtp.server:port>';
-- Create a new message body, which will be sent as the main text of the email.
SET OutputRoot.BLOB.BLOB = CAST('This is the new text for the body of the email.' AS BLOB CCSID 1208);