
val a = new Array[Integer](10)
a(5) = 3 //slowdown on this line

scala.Predef那么我可以在不更改代码的情况下仅使用 scala 编译器或 VM 选项关闭它的惰性并在应用程序启动时强制初始化吗?


1 回答 1


No you can't. You can initialize an object by calling it, like this

Predef    // ensures the body of Predef is initialized
val a = new Array[Integer](10)
a(5) = 3

Still, you will probably not have initialized the ArrayOps class which is involved in a.apply. Lazy class initialization is a property of the JVM. If you do benchmarks, that's why you usually give it a "warmup" run first, so that all involved classes have been loaded first.

于 2014-01-06T17:12:11.373 回答