期间出现此错误vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion
[default] Waiting for HGFS kernel module to load...
The HGFS kernel module was not found on the running virtual machine.
This must be installed for shared folders to work properly. Please
install the VMware tools within the guest and try again. Note that
the VMware tools installation will succeed even if HGFS fails
to properly install. Carefully read the output of the VMware tools
installation to verify the HGFS kernel modules were installed properly.
$ lsmod | grep -i '^vmhgfs'
我已经在我的基础 vmx 中安装了 VMWare 工具,它是由 packer 构建的:
$ vmware-
vmware-checkvm vmware-uninstall-tools.pl
vmware-config-tools.pl vmware-user
vmware-hgfsclient vmware-vmblock-fuse
vmware-rpctool vmware-xdg-detect-de
vmware-toolbox-cmd vmware-xferlogs
我还在 VMWare 设置中启用了共享文件夹
- 一些封隔器设置来启用 HGFS?
- 基础 vmx 有什么要改变的吗?