我想制作一个程序,利用 XBox 360 控制器的输入来提供输出,例如,如果您按下A控制器,则与按下A键盘相同。我计划将其用于游戏开发,并且不希望输出可自定义,但我确实希望有一个可见的窗口,以便可以随时关闭它。我将如何制作这个程序(适用于 Windows)并让它易于使用。
1 回答
我建议使用输入抽象类并转换您需要的输入类型,使用具体类将输入(键盘上的 A 或 Xbox 上的 RTrigger)转换为游戏中的输入动作(按下按钮、按下跳跃按钮、X 方向移动ETC)。
在 C# 中,这可以相对容易地完成。创建一个类/结构作为转换返回的目标。在我的例子中,我做了一个格斗游戏平台,带有摄像机控制的动作和运动,我称之为InputState
public class InputState
public struct Axis
public float X;
public float Y;
public float XNorm
get{ return Math.Abs(X); }
public float YNorm
get{ return Math.Abs(Y); }
public struct ActionStates
public bool Jump;
public bool Punch;
public bool Kick;
public bool Special;
public bool Grab;
public bool Guard;
public Axis MovementAxis;
public Axis CameraAxis;
public ActionStates Actions;
public abstract class InputConverter
public abstract InputState Convert();
然后你可以将这个类扩展到其他类,例如在 Unity3D 中,我使用我创建的这个类来进行输入,并将 XBox 控制器转换为InputState
上面的类。初始化时,它需要玩家 ID 才能获得正确的控制器。这里最重要的部分是public override InputState Convert
using XInputDotNetPure;
public class XInputConverter : InputConverter
bool playerIndexSet = false;
PlayerIndex playerIndex;
GamePadState gamePadState;
GamePadState prevState;
public XInputConverter(int playerSlot)
private void VerifyControllerConnected(int playerSlot)
// Find a PlayerIndex, for a single player game
if (!playerIndexSet || !prevState.IsConnected)
PlayerIndex testPlayerIndex = (PlayerIndex)playerSlot - 1;
GamePadState testState = GamePad.GetState(testPlayerIndex);
if (testState.IsConnected)
//Debug.Log (string.Format ("GamePad found {0}", testPlayerIndex));
playerIndex = testPlayerIndex;
playerIndexSet = true;
} else
throw new Exception(string.Format("GamePad {0} has been unplugged or is not connecting properly", testPlayerIndex));
public override InputState Convert()
InputState outputState = new InputState();
gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(playerIndex);
outputState.Actions.Jump = gamePadState.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed;
outputState.Actions.Punch = gamePadState.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed;
outputState.Actions.Kick = gamePadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed;
outputState.Actions.Special = gamePadState.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed;
outputState.Actions.Grab = gamePadState.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed || gamePadState.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed;
outputState.Actions.Guard = gamePadState.Triggers.Left > 0 || gamePadState.Triggers.Right > 0;
//Movement from DPad
short xAxis = 0;
short yAxis = 0;
//Determine if Dpad has any input
if (gamePadState.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed)
xAxis += 1;
if (gamePadState.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed)
xAxis -= 1;
if (gamePadState.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed)
yAxis += 1;
if (gamePadState.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed)
yAxis -= 1;
//Set the movement to either the Thumsticks or the DPad
outputState.MovementAxis.X = xAxis == 0 ? gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.X : xAxis;
outputState.MovementAxis.Y = yAxis == 0 ? gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left.Y : yAxis;
outputState.CameraAxis.X = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right.X;
outputState.CameraAxis.X = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right.Y;
return outputState;
using UnityEngine;
public class UnityKeyboardInputConverter : InputConverter
public override InputState Convert()
InputState state = new InputState();
state.Actions.Jump = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space);
state.Actions.Punch = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.J);
state.Actions.Kick = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.K);
state.Actions.Special = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.L);
state.Actions.Grab = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);
state.Actions.Guard = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift);
state.MovementAxis.X = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
state.MovementAxis.Y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
state.CameraAxis.X = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X");
state.CameraAxis.X = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y");
return state;
类来调用更新并从适当的输入转换器检索输入状态,而无需知道玩家使用的是哪个输入转换器。这很重要,因为您只想在游戏引擎准备好并使用玩家选择的设置(XBox、键盘+鼠标、PC GamePad 等)时调用这些输入:
public class InputHandler
//Controller handlers and properties
private int playerNumber;
public enum InputType
None = 0,
public InputType SelectedInputType = InputType.None;
public InputState CommandState;
//Ambiguous Abstract input converter allows us to assign Xbox or keyboard as input
private InputConverter converter;
public InputHandler(int playerNumber, InputType inputType)
SelectedInputType = inputType;
this.playerNumber = playerNumber;
if (playerNumber > 4 || playerNumber < 1)
throw new Exception("Player must be set to 1, 2, 3 or 4");
//Check type and load converter
switch (SelectedInputType)
case InputType.XBoxController:
converter = new XInputConverter(playerNumber);
case InputType.KeyboardMouse
converter = new UnityKeyboardInputConverter();
case InputType.PCGamePad:
converter = new PCGamePadInputConverter(playerNumber);
case InputType.None:
//Do nothing but would be a good idea to handle it in game
// Update is called once per frame by Unity Update functions
public void InputUpdate()
if (converter != null)
CommandState = converter.Convert();
//Debug if in the Unity editor