接受 Eske Rahn 的回答并打了一个电话(请注意,下面的代码使用 (j, i) 的矩阵尺寸约定而不是 (x, y) 的图像,但这对于插值而言无关紧要):
/// <summary>
/// Holds extension methods.
/// </summary>
public static class Extension
/// <summary>
/// Performs a bicubic interpolation over the given matrix to produce a
/// [<paramref name="outHeight"/>, <paramref name="outWidth"/>] matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">
/// The matrix to interpolate over.
/// </param>
/// <param name="outWidth">
/// The width of the output matrix.
/// </param>
/// <param name="outHeight">
/// The height of the output matrix.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The interpolated matrix.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Note, dimensions of the input and output matrices are in
/// conventional matrix order, like [matrix_height, matrix_width],
/// not typical image order, like [image_width, image_height]. This
/// shouldn't effect the interpolation but you must be aware of it
/// if you are working with imagery.
/// </remarks>
public static float[,] BicubicInterpolation(
this float[,] data,
int outWidth,
int outHeight)
if (outWidth < 1 || outHeight < 1)
throw new ArgumentException(
"BicubicInterpolation: Expected output size to be " +
$"[1, 1] or greater, got [{outHeight}, {outWidth}].");
// props to https://stackoverflow.com/a/20924576/240845 for getting me started
float InterpolateCubic(float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3, float fraction)
float p = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1);
float q = (v0 - v1) - p;
float r = v2 - v0;
return (fraction * ((fraction * ((fraction * p) + q)) + r)) + v1;
// around 6000 gives fastest results on my computer.
int rowsPerChunk = 6000 / outWidth;
if (rowsPerChunk == 0)
rowsPerChunk = 1;
int chunkCount = (outHeight / rowsPerChunk)
+ (outHeight % rowsPerChunk != 0 ? 1 : 0);
var width = data.GetLength(1);
var height = data.GetLength(0);
var ret = new float[outHeight, outWidth];
Parallel.For(0, chunkCount, (chunkNumber) =>
int jStart = chunkNumber * rowsPerChunk;
int jStop = jStart + rowsPerChunk;
if (jStop > outHeight)
jStop = outHeight;
for (int j = jStart; j < jStop; ++j)
float jLocationFraction = j / (float)outHeight;
var jFloatPosition = height * jLocationFraction;
var j2 = (int)jFloatPosition;
var jFraction = jFloatPosition - j2;
var j1 = j2 > 0 ? j2 - 1 : j2;
var j3 = j2 < height - 1 ? j2 + 1 : j2;
var j4 = j3 < height - 1 ? j3 + 1 : j3;
for (int i = 0; i < outWidth; ++i)
float iLocationFraction = i / (float)outWidth;
var iFloatPosition = width * iLocationFraction;
var i2 = (int)iFloatPosition;
var iFraction = iFloatPosition - i2;
var i1 = i2 > 0 ? i2 - 1 : i2;
var i3 = i2 < width - 1 ? i2 + 1 : i2;
var i4 = i3 < width - 1 ? i3 + 1 : i3;
float jValue1 = InterpolateCubic(
data[j1, i1], data[j1, i2], data[j1, i3], data[j1, i4], iFraction);
float jValue2 = InterpolateCubic(
data[j2, i1], data[j2, i2], data[j2, i3], data[j2, i4], iFraction);
float jValue3 = InterpolateCubic(
data[j3, i1], data[j3, i2], data[j3, i3], data[j3, i4], iFraction);
float jValue4 = InterpolateCubic(
data[j4, i1], data[j4, i2], data[j4, i3], data[j4, i4], iFraction);
ret[j, i] = InterpolateCubic(
jValue1, jValue2, jValue3, jValue4, jFraction);
return ret;