闭包通过引用(而不是值)存储它们的外部变量。但是,在下面的代码中,我想按值存储。谁能告诉我如何使用 IIFE 做到这一点?

var i = -1;
var f = function () {
    return i; // I want to capture i = -1 here!
i = 1;
f();    // => 1, but I want -1

2 回答 2


您发布的内容实际上不是 IIFE:它代表立即调用的函数表达式;你有一个函数,但你没有立即调用它!


var i = -1;
var f = (function(state) { // this will hold a snapshot of i
            return function() {
               return state; // this returns what was in the snapshot
         })(i); // here we invoke the outermost function, passing it i (which is -1).
                // it returns the inner function, with state as -1
i = 1; // has no impact on the state variable
f(); // now we invoke the inner function, and it looks up state, not i
于 2014-01-04T07:24:33.520 回答

作为 IIFE - 立即调用该函数。

var i = -1;
var f = function () {
    return i; // I want to capture i = -1 here!
}();// invoked here
i = 1;
于 2018-07-25T07:35:06.873 回答