
P t:估计的位置。输出
P O : 对象最近一次的位置更新
V O : 物体最近的速度更新
A O : 对象最近的加速度更新
T:当前时间和上次更新时间戳之间经过的秒数- 不是收到数据包的时间。
一种方法是在两种状态之间创建一条线,甚至更好,一条曲线,例如Bézier 样条 Catmull-Rom 样条和Hermite 曲线(其他方法的一个很好的列表在这里),同时仍将旧方向投影到未来。所以,继续使用旧状态,直到你得到一个新状态——当你正在混合的状态变成旧状态时。
该网页引用了《Game Engine Gems 2》一书,是航位推算的金矿:
编辑:以上所有内容仅适用于客户端在未获得更新时应采取的行动。至于“什么时候应该从服务器向客户端发送消息”,Valve 说好的服务器应该以大约 15 毫秒的间隔发送更新,大约每秒 66.6 次。
注意:“ Valve 说”链接实际上也有一些很好的网络提示,使用 Source Multiplayer Networking 作为媒介。如果你有时间,请检查一下。
编辑 2(代码更新!):
以下是我在 C++/DirectX 环境中实现这种算法的方法:
struct kinematicState
D3DXVECTOR3 position;
D3DXVECTOR3 velocity;
D3DXVECTOR3 acceleration;
void PredictPosition(kinematicState *old, kinematicState *prediction, float elapsedSeconds)
prediction->position = old->position + (old->velocity * elapsedSeconds) + (0.5 * old->acceleration * (elapsedSeconds * elapsedSeconds));`
kinematicState *BlendKinematicStateLinear(kinematicState *olStated, kinematicState *newState, float percentageToNew)
//Explanation of percentateToNew:
//A value of 0.0 will return the exact same state as "oldState",
//A value of 1.0 will return the exact same state as "newState",
//A value of 0.5 will return a state with data exactly in the middle of that of "old" and "new".
//Its value should never be outside of [0, 1].
kinematicState *final = new kinematicState();
//Many other interpolation algorithms would create a smoother blend,
//But this is just a linear interpolation to keep it simple.
//Implementation of a different algorithm should be straightforward.
//I suggest starting with Catmull-Rom splines.
float percentageToOld = 1.0 - percentageToNew;
final->position = (percentageToOld * oldState->position) + (percentageToNew * new-State>position);
final->velocity = (percentageToOld * oldState->velocity) + (percentageToNew * newState->velocity);
final->acceleration = (percentageToOld * oldState->acceleration) + (percentageToNew * newState->acceleration);
return final;