The RichTextBox supports a spellcheck option which is very nice. (SpellCheck.IsEnabled = true)

But I cannot seem to get it to another language. (I live in the Netherlands.. ;))

Does any of you have an experience with the SpellCheck option of TextBox?

I know it can be change by changing the keyboard settings, but I want to change it in the application.

What I have tried so far (and did not work):

  • Changing the CurrentCulture on the current Thread.
  • Changing the Language property in xaml in "nl-NL"
  • Changing the Language property in code with the XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("nl-NL");

You should not get any spelling errors with the following line:

"Dit is een Nederlandse tekst."

The RFC 3066 language key of my language is "nl-NL"

Many thanks, Rick


1 回答 1


WPF 的拼写支持仅限于 4 种语言;英语、西班牙语、法语和德语。


于 2018-12-14T23:29:45.720 回答