I'm creating bower package search site (everything is open sourced) and I hit the wall. I have some memory leak (or I think I have) and I honestly don't know why it is there.
You can download it and run on Your own, but simple hint will help me greatly.
I have narrowed it down to this function call here https://github.com/kamilbiela/bowereggs-backend/blob/master/main.js#L14 ( nest.fetchAndSave() ) which is all defined here: https://github.com/kamilbiela/bowereggs-backend/blob/master/lib/nest.js
Basically it downloads a package list from internet, Json.parse and inserts it into database, plus some when.js promises.
Running this function few times creates a 30mb of memory per run, that is not cleaned by garbage collector. Also note that this is my first "real" node.js project, so I'll be really grateful for any tip.