这是您可以在常规 Angular 版本中实现的客户端安全性。我已经尝试并测试了这一点。(请在此处找到我的文章:- https://www.intellewings.com/post/authorizationonangularroutes)除了客户端路由安全之外,您还需要保护服务器端的访问。客户端安全有助于避免额外往返服务器。但是,如果有人欺骗浏览器,那么服务器服务器端安全应该能够拒绝未经授权的访问。
第 1 步:在 app-module 中定义全局变量
- 定义应用程序的角色
var roles = {
superUser: 0,
admin: 1,
user: 2
- 为应用程序定义未经授权访问的路由
var routeForUnauthorizedAccess = '/SomeAngularRouteForUnauthorizedAccess';
步骤 2:定义授权服务
appModule.factory('authorizationService', function ($resource, $q, $rootScope, $location) {
return {
// We would cache the permission for the session, to avoid roundtrip to server for subsequent requests
permissionModel: { permission: {}, isPermissionLoaded: false },
permissionCheck: function (roleCollection) {
// we will return a promise .
var deferred = $q.defer();
//this is just to keep a pointer to parent scope from within promise scope.
var parentPointer = this;
//Checking if permisison object(list of roles for logged in user) is already filled from service
if (this.permissionModel.isPermissionLoaded) {
//Check if the current user has required role to access the route
this.getPermission(this.permissionModel, roleCollection, deferred);
} else {
//if permission is not obtained yet, we will get it from server.
// 'api/permissionService' is the path of server web service , used for this example.
$resource('/api/permissionService').get().$promise.then(function (response) {
//when server service responds then we will fill the permission object
parentPointer.permissionModel.permission = response;
//Indicator is set to true that permission object is filled and can be re-used for subsequent route request for the session of the user
parentPointer.permissionModel.isPermissionLoaded = true;
//Check if the current user has required role to access the route
parentPointer.getPermission(parentPointer.permissionModel, roleCollection, deferred);
return deferred.promise;
//Method to check if the current user has required role to access the route
//'permissionModel' has permission information obtained from server for current user
//'roleCollection' is the list of roles which are authorized to access route
//'deferred' is the object through which we shall resolve promise
getPermission: function (permissionModel, roleCollection, deferred) {
var ifPermissionPassed = false;
angular.forEach(roleCollection, function (role) {
switch (role) {
case roles.superUser:
if (permissionModel.permission.isSuperUser) {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
case roles.admin:
if (permissionModel.permission.isAdministrator) {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
case roles.user:
if (permissionModel.permission.isUser) {
ifPermissionPassed = true;
ifPermissionPassed = false;
if (!ifPermissionPassed) {
//If user does not have required access, we will route the user to unauthorized access page
//As there could be some delay when location change event happens, we will keep a watch on $locationChangeSuccess event
// and would resolve promise when this event occurs.
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function (next, current) {
} else {
第 3 步:在路由中使用安全性:让我们使用到目前为止所做的所有硬字,来保护路由
var appModule = angular.module("appModule", ['ngRoute', 'ngResource'])
.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
.when('/superUserSpecificRoute', {
templateUrl: '/templates/superUser.html',//path of the view/template of route
caseInsensitiveMatch: true,
controller: 'superUserController',//angular controller which would be used for the route
resolve: {//Here we would use all the hardwork we have done above and make call to the authorization Service
//resolve is a great feature in angular, which ensures that a route controller(in this case superUserController ) is invoked for a route only after the promises mentioned under it are resolved.
permission: function(authorizationService, $route) {
return authorizationService.permissionCheck([roles.superUser]);
.when('/userSpecificRoute', {
templateUrl: '/templates/user.html',
caseInsensitiveMatch: true,
controller: 'userController',
resolve: {
permission: function (authorizationService, $route) {
return authorizationService.permissionCheck([roles.user]);
.when('/adminSpecificRoute', {
templateUrl: '/templates/admin.html',
caseInsensitiveMatch: true,
controller: 'adminController',
resolve: {
permission: function(authorizationService, $route) {
return authorizationService.permissionCheck([roles.admin]);
.when('/adminSuperUserSpecificRoute', {
templateUrl: '/templates/adminSuperUser.html',
caseInsensitiveMatch: true,
controller: 'adminSuperUserController',
resolve: {
permission: function(authorizationService, $route) {
return authorizationService.permissionCheck([roles.admin,roles.superUser]);