git commit -a --amend
git review -v
Running: git log --color=never --oneline HEAD^1..HEAD
Running: git remote
Running: git branch -a --color=never
Running: git branch --color=never
Running: git log HEAD^1..HEAD
Found topic 'fix-bug-1187277' from parsing changes.
Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Running: git remote update gerrit
Fetching gerrit
Running: git rebase -i remotes/gerrit/master
Errors running git rebase -i remotes/gerrit/master
error: could not apply a062f76... Modify API ref for per-project-user quotas CRUD methods
When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue".
If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip".
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort".
Could not apply a062f76... Modify API ref for per-project-user quotas CRUD methods
我不太明白我需要在这里做什么?我试过git rebase --abort
git rebase --skip
git rebase --continue