我正在尝试导出元素类型 A 的 AVL 树的可交换幺半群,给定一个可交换幺半群 (A, +, epsilon),其中派生运算是unionWith +. AVL 树的等价概念是两棵树相等,如果它们具有相同的toList图像。

我一直试图证明这unionWith +是关联的(根据我的等价概念)。我有交换性和 +-cong 作为假设,因为我想在结合性证明中使用它们,但还没有证明它们。


module Temp
   {A : Set}

open import Algebra.FunctionProperties
open import Algebra.Structures
import Data.AVL
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ-Prop
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

-- Specialise AVL trees to keys of type ℕ.
module ℕ-AVL
   = Data.AVL (const A) (StrictTotalOrder.isStrictTotalOrder ℕ-Prop.strictTotalOrder)

open ℕ-AVL

-- Equivalence of AVL tree normal form (ordered list of key-value pairs).
_≈_ : Tree → Tree → Set
_≈_ = _≡_ on toList

infix 4 _≈_

-- Extend a commutative monoid (A, ⊕, ε) to AVL trees of type A, with union and empty.
comm-monoid-AVL-∪ : {⊕ : Op₂ A} → IsCommutativeMonoid _≈_ (unionWith ⊕) empty
comm-monoid-AVL-∪ {⊕} = record {
      isSemigroup = record {
            isEquivalence = record { refl = refl; sym = sym; trans = trans }; assoc = assoc; ∙-cong = {!!}
      identityˡ = λ _ → refl;
      comm = comm
   } where
      _∪_ = unionWith ⊕

      postulate comm : Commutative _≈_ _∪_

      postulate ∙-cong : _∪_ Preserves₂ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_

      assoc : Associative _≈_ _∪_
      assoc (tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) y z = refl
      assoc x (tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) z =
         let bibble : (x ∪ tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ z ≈ ((tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ x) ∪ z
             bibble = ∙-cong (comm x (tree (Indexed.leaf l<u))) refl in
            toList ((x ∪ tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ z)
         ≡⟨ bibble ⟩
            toList (((tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ x) ∪ z)
         ≡⟨ refl ⟩
            toList (x ∪ z)
         ≡⟨ refl ⟩
            toList (x ∪ ((tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ z))
      assoc x (tree (Indexed.node kv τ₁ τ₂ bal)) z = {!!} -- TODO

bibble中,我有一个证明z ≈ z(即refl),还有一个证明x ∪ tree (Indexed.leaf l<u) ≈ (tree (Indexed.leaf l<u)) ∪ x(通过交换律),我相信我应该能够用它∙-cong来推导出 ≈ 参数的并集也是 ≈ 的证明。



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