$flag="OK"; // This is the flag and we set it to OK
$msg=""; // Initializing the message to hold the error messages
if(isset($_POST['Send'])) {
$num_key = $_POST['num_key'];
$msg=$msg."Your Key not valid! Please try again!<BR>";
} else {
$msg=$msg."Your Key is valid!<BR>";
echo "Your Email: ".$email." is";
if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)){
$msg=$msg."Invalid email<BR>";
$msg=$msg."Valid Email<BR>";
if(strlen($password) < 5 ){
$msg=$msg."( Please enter password of more than 5 character length )<BR>";
if($flag <>"OK"){
echo "$msg <br> <input type='button' value='Retry' onClick='history.go(-1)'>";
} else {
// all entries are correct and let us proceed with the database checking etc …
说我会使用不同的方法,例如使用布尔值而不是名为 flag 的字符串。您可以获得更流畅的代码,将其称为 $inputIsvalid。
其他唠叨:有时您将消息添加到 $msg 变量,其他您发出回声,也许这是一个疏忽。
$inputIsValid=true; // This is the flag and we set it to OK
$messages = array(); // Initializing the message to hold the error messages
if(isset($_POST['Send'])) {
$num_key = $_POST['num_key'];
$messages[]= 'Your Key not valid! Please try again!';
} else {
$messages[]'Your Key is valid!';
$emailIsValid = eregi($emailRegEx, $email);
$messages[]= 'Your Email: '.$email.' is ' .($emailIsValid? 'Valid':'Invalid');
$inputIsValid = $inputIsValid && emailIsValid;
if(strlen($password) < 5 ){
$messages[]='( Please enter password of more than 5 character length )';
$messages[]='<input type='button' value='Retry' onClick='history.go(-1)'>';
echo join('<br/>', $messages);
} else {
// all entries are correct and let us proceed with the database checking etc …
function validateKey() {
if(!isset($_POST['Send'])) {
return true;
$num_key = $_POST['num_key'];
return $key==$num_key;
function validateEmail($email) {
return eregi($emailRegEx, $email);
function validatePassword($password) {
return strlen($password) < 5;
$inputIsValid=true; // This is the flag and we set it to OK
$messages = array(); // Initializing the message to hold the error messages
if(validateKey()) {
$messages[]'Your Key is valid!';
} else {
$messages[]= 'Your Key not valid! Please try again!';
$emailIsValid = validateEmail($_POST['email']);
$messages[]= 'Your Email: '.$email.' is ' .($emailIsValid? 'Valid':'Invalid');
$inputIsValid = $inputIsValid && emailIsValid;
$messages[]='( Please enter password of more than 5 character length )';
$messages[]='<input type='button' value='Retry' onClick='history.go(-1)'>';
echo join('<br/>', $messages);
} else {
// all entries are correct and let us proceed with the database checking etc …
为什么你使用与布尔值不同的常量?(TRUE 与 true 不同,FALSE 与 false 不同)您可以像这样重写函数以获得所需的行为。
function spamcheck($field)
$field=filter_var($field, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
return filter_var($field, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if (isset($_POST['email'])) {//if "email" is filled out, proceed
$mailcheck = spamcheck($_POST['email']);
if (!$mailcheck) {
echo "Invalid input";