private void paintMap(int xToUpdate, int yToUpdate, int layerToUpdate)
// this should ONLY be called if mapBitmap has already been drawn initially
Graphics gfx;
// create a blank tile to place on top of whatever tile they want to place (to sucessfully update our tile)
Bitmap blankTile = new Bitmap(Program.pixelSize, Program.pixelSize);
gfx = Graphics.FromImage(blankTile);
gfx = Graphics.FromImage(mapBitmap[layerToUpdate]);
// only draw a map, if a map has been loaded
if (mapLoaded)
#region Draw Map Loop
// draw the map
// find the tile at that point
int tile = map.mapTile[xToUpdate][yToUpdate].getTileLayer(layerToUpdate);
int x1 = Program.getTileXLocation(tile);
int y1 = Program.getTileYLocation(tile);
// set the tile's rectangle location
srcRect = new Rectangle(x1 * Program.pixelSize, y1 * Program.pixelSize, Program.pixelSize, Program.pixelSize);
// draw the tile
gfx.DrawImage(blankTile, xToUpdate * Program.pixelSize, yToUpdate * Program.pixelSize);
gfx.DrawImage(gfxTiles, xToUpdate * Program.pixelSize, yToUpdate * Program.pixelSize, srcRect, units);
// weather crap
// screenMain.DrawImage(gfxNight, x1 * Program.pixelSize, y1 * Program.pixelSize, night, units);
else // otherwise, a map hasn't been loaded; clear the drawing surface
但是,当用户更新地图(通过放置/删除瓷砖)时,我不想重新绘制整个地图。相反,我只想用所做的更改来更新那个特定的空间。而不是更新每一层(通过切换那里绘制的瓦片)等等,所有的方法都是在旧瓦片上放置新瓦片。我添加了 blankTile 位图,认为在绘制更改之前绘制它会纠正问题,但事实并非如此。
如果需要,我可以提供更多信息。我想继续使用内置的 GDI 库,但如果解决此问题的唯一方法是切换,我会这样做。但我几乎可以肯定应该有一种方法可以解决这个特定问题,而无需关闭我的图形库。到目前为止,它已经完全满足了这个项目的需求(减去这个特定的错误)。