我安装了 Ubuntu SDK,一切都很顺利。现在我想安装 PyQt 只是为了弄乱它。PyQt 附带 Qt Creator,但它已经由 Ubuntu SDK 安装。在这种情况下如何安装 PyQt?
179 次
2 回答
如果您使用 apt-get 您可以使用以下命令:
sudo apt-get install python-qt4
要测试它是否有效,请打开 python 控制台并输入:
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
于 2013-12-27T17:00:10.543 回答
1) QtCreator is a Qt/C++ developing IDE, so you may already have Qt intalled.
2) Downloads the corresponding's Pyqt, for example, if you have already 4.8.10 Qt installed, then try to download the PyQt 4.8.4.
3) Follow the readme instructor to have it installed.
于 2013-12-27T16:37:34.347 回答