我正在尝试从 Arduino 1.0.5 中的https://github.com/janisHD/LightRobot编译 lightRobot.ino Arduino 草图,但我遇到了 lightRobot 库中函数的多个定义错误。我使用的是 OS X 10.8.5,但在 Windows 8 中遇到了同样的问题。
以下是 .h 和 .cpp 文件示例:
/*! \file BlueToothEvent.h checks periodically if new data over BT has been received.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <OrangutanLCD.h>
#include "TimeEvent.h"
/*! \class BlueToothEvent
retrieves and stores the received BT data. The data should come over the serialport, it must be started in "setup".
The struct DataPacket publishes the parsed data for the Statemanager.
class BlueToothEvent : public TimeEvent
struct DataPacket {
char speed;
char direction;
int color[4]; // [3]==blue [2]==green [1]==red [0]==brightness
int mode[2]; // [1]==color mode (0000->remote, 0001->blink, 0010->random, 0011->random&blink) [0]==drive mode (0000->remote, 0001->random)
/*! Callback which is executed periodically*/
virtual void onTimeEvent();
/*! Returns an internal state.*/
virtual unsigned char getInternalState();
/*! Sets an internal state.*/
virtual void setInternalState(unsigned char state, bool update=false);
/*! Executes a more complex (and time consuming) action.*/
virtual void executeAction();
/*! To get the received data in the DataPacket struct
\return The most recent data received via Serial connection
DataPacket getDataPacket();
bool m_new_data_present;
/*! Processes the array with a 4 byte data word and saves the information in the DataPacket field.
\param data the array (must have the length of 4 bytes)
void processData(unsigned char* data);
enum Data{
velocity=0,//desired velocity
direction,//direction to drive
color,//desired color of the LEDs
mode,//the different modes: remote, random, blink
unsigned char m_data[DATA_WORD_LENGTH];
struct DataPacket m_data_packet;
#include "BlueToothEvent.h"
//init data array
m_data[velocity] = 0;
m_data[direction] = 0;
m_data[color] = 0;
m_data[mode] = 0;
//Serial connection
void BlueToothEvent::onTimeEvent()
//Code to receive a single data word and store it in m_data field
//Word consists of 4 chars (see the docu for further explanations):
//[0] -> direction to drive [0-254]
//[1] -> velocity to drive [0-254]
//[2] -> desired color for the Light [0-254] in 2 bit packets -> b0[0,3]->Brightnes | [0,3]->Red| [0,3]->Green | [0,3]->Blue
//[3] -> internal mode (see responsible class)[0-254]
if(Serial.available() >= DATA_WORD_LENGTH)
{//minimum number of bytes must be available in the buffer
while(Serial.available() > DATA_WORD_LENGTH)
Serial.read();//clear buffer except the last 4 bits
m_data[velocity] = (char)Serial.read();
m_data[direction] = (char)Serial.read();
m_data[color] = (char)Serial.read();
m_data[mode] = (char)Serial.read();
m_new_data_present = true;
void BlueToothEvent::processData(unsigned char* data)
m_data_packet.speed = data[velocity];
m_data_packet.direction = data[direction];
m_data_packet.color[0] = data[color] & 0b00000011;
m_data_packet.color[1] = (data[color] & 0b00001100)>>2;
m_data_packet.color[2] = (data[color] & 0b00110000)>>4;
m_data_packet.color[3] = (data[color] & 0b11000000)>>6;
m_data_packet.mode[0] = data[mode] & B00001111;
m_data_packet.mode[1] = (data[mode] & B11110000)>>4;
BlueToothEvent::DataPacket BlueToothEvent::getDataPacket()
m_new_data_present = false;
return m_data_packet;
//unsigned char BlueToothEvent::getData(unsigned char field)
// if(field <= mode)
// return m_data[field];
// else
// return 0;
unsigned char BlueToothEvent::getInternalState()
return m_data[mode];
void BlueToothEvent::setInternalState(unsigned char state, bool update)
//nothing to do here!
void BlueToothEvent::executeAction()
//nothing to do here!
我在编译时收到以下错误 - 我只显示了列出的一对 .h/.cpp 文件的错误 - lightRobot 库中的每个文件都有类似的错误:
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::processData(unsigned char*)':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:43: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::processData(unsigned char*)'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:43: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:4: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::BlueToothEvent()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:4: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:4: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::BlueToothEvent()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:4: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::getDataPacket()':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:56: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::getDataPacket()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:56: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::getInternalState()':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:73: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::getInternalState()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:73: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::setInternalState(unsigned char, bool)':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:78: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::setInternalState(unsigned char, bool)'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:78: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::executeAction()':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:83: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::executeAction()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:83: first defined here
lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp.o: In function `BlueToothEvent::onTimeEvent()':
/Users/lemmy/Documents/Arduino/libraries/lightRobot/BlueToothEvent.cpp:18: multiple definition of `BlueToothEvent::onTimeEvent()'
BlueToothEvent.cpp.o:BlueToothEvent.cpp:18: first defined here