我正在尝试使用 python 创建热图。为此,我必须为可能值范围内的每个值分配一个 RGB 值。我想将颜色从蓝色(最小值)通过绿色更改为红色(最大值)。

下面的图片示例说明了我是如何想到颜色组合的:我们有一个从 1(纯蓝色)到 3(纯红色)的范围,2 介于两者之间,类似于绿色。

颜色组合 RGB 范围(1-3)

我阅读了线性插值并编写了一个函数(或多或少)处理最小值和最大值之间范围内某个值的计算并返回一个 RGB 元组。它使用ifelif条件(这并不让我完全高兴):

def convert_to_rgb(minimum, maximum, value):
    minimum, maximum = float(minimum), float(maximum)    
    halfmax = (minimum + maximum) / 2
    if minimum <= value <= halfmax:
        r = 0
        g = int( 255./(halfmax - minimum) * (value - minimum))
        b = int( 255. + -255./(halfmax - minimum)  * (value - minimum))
        return (r,g,b)    
    elif halfmax < value <= maximum:
        r = int( 255./(maximum - halfmax) * (value - halfmax))
        g = int( 255. + -255./(maximum - halfmax)  * (value - halfmax))
        b = 0
        return (r,g,b)



4 回答 4

def rgb(minimum, maximum, value):
    minimum, maximum = float(minimum), float(maximum)
    ratio = 2 * (value-minimum) / (maximum - minimum)
    b = int(max(0, 255*(1 - ratio)))
    r = int(max(0, 255*(ratio - 1)))
    g = 255 - b - r
    return r, g, b
于 2013-12-26T23:18:10.010 回答


另请注意,颜色可能已在其他颜色空间中插值,从而产生可能比其他颜色空间更令人愉悦的结果。这在我提交给一个名为Range values to pseudocolor的相关问题的两个单独答案中获得的不同结果中得到了说明。

import sys
EPSILON = sys.float_info.epsilon  # Smallest possible difference.

def convert_to_rgb(minval, maxval, val, colors):
    # `colors` is a series of RGB colors delineating a series of
    # adjacent linear color gradients between each pair.

    # Determine where the given value falls proportionality within
    # the range from minval->maxval and scale that fractional value
    # by the total number in the `colors` palette.
    i_f = float(val-minval) / float(maxval-minval) * (len(colors)-1)

    # Determine the lower index of the pair of color indices this
    # value corresponds and its fractional distance between the lower
    # and the upper colors.
    i, f = int(i_f // 1), i_f % 1  # Split into whole & fractional parts.

    # Does it fall exactly on one of the color points?
    if f < EPSILON:
        return colors[i]
    else: # Return a color linearly interpolated in the range between it and 
          # the following one.
        (r1, g1, b1), (r2, g2, b2) = colors[i], colors[i+1]
        return int(r1 + f*(r2-r1)), int(g1 + f*(g2-g1)), int(b1 + f*(b2-b1))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    minval, maxval = 1, 3
    steps = 10
    delta = float(maxval-minval) / steps
    colors = [(0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0)]  # [BLUE, GREEN, RED]
    print('  Val       R    G    B')
    for i in range(steps+1):
        val = minval + i*delta
        r, g, b = convert_to_rgb(minval, maxval, val, colors)
        print('{:.3f} -> ({:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d})'.format(val, r, g, b))


  Val       R    G    B
1.000 -> (  0,   0, 255)
1.200 -> (  0,  50, 204)
1.400 -> (  0, 101, 153)
1.600 -> (  0, 153, 101)
1.800 -> (  0, 204,  50)
2.000 -> (  0, 255,   0)
2.200 -> ( 51, 203,   0)
2.400 -> (102, 152,   0)
2.600 -> (153, 101,   0)
2.800 -> (203,  51,   0)
3.000 -> (255,   0,   0)



于 2013-12-27T02:16:25.427 回答

您通常可以将if带有索引的 a 消除到包含两个值的数组中。Python 缺少一个三元条件运算符,但这有效:

r = [red_curve_1, red_curve_2][value>=halfmax]
g = [green_curve_1, green_curve_2][value>=halfmax]
b = [blue_curve_1, blue_curve_2][value>=halfmax]

分别用中点左侧或右侧的常数或斜率或曲线 替换*_curve_1and表达式。*_curve_2


  • red_curve_1并且blue_curve_2很简单0
  • green_curve_1255*(value-minimum)/(halfmax-minimum)
  • 等等
于 2013-12-26T23:18:12.340 回答

“我们以对数尺度感知光强度——指数强度斜坡将被视为线性斜坡” https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse455/09wi/Lects/lect11.pdf

来自https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model:“输入强度 RGB 值 (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 仅输出大约 22% 的全亮度 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),而不是 50% "

这导致@martineau 示例中 2.5 处的褐色污迹,它应该是黄色的,而 1.5 处的青色是为了获得适当的色调渐变。


但是转换为 HSV 或 HLS 颜色空间模型可能会很方便,并使用 H(用于色调)并将其用作输入,然后转换回 RGB 以用于显示目的。IE:

colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(value, 1, 1)


于 2018-04-24T12:10:55.190 回答