由于 pub 使用我的身份进行发布,我将如何将控制权转移给其他人,但仍然允许他们将发布发布到同一个项目?也许这是微不足道的;我从来没有尝试过。
215 次
2 回答
您可以使用pub uploader [options] {add/remove} <email>
pub uploader add <new-owner-email>
pub uploader remove <old-owner-email>
$ pub uploader -h
Manage uploaders for a package on pub.dartlang.org.
Usage: pub uploader [options] {add/remove} <email>
-h, --help Print usage information for this command.
--server The package server on which the package is hosted.
(defaults to "https://pub.dartlang.org")
--package The package whose uploaders will be modified.
(defaults to the current package)
于 2013-12-26T14:44:30.213 回答