我有以下问题:我无法从 angularjs 单元测试文件访问控制器中对象文本的属性文本:
$scope.ocr = function(source) {
$http.post("/oceriser", {
sourceImage: source
}).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.textes = {
source: source,
editor: $scope.addEditor(angular.fromJson(data)),
text: angular.fromJson(data)
$scope.currentImage.source = "";
$scope.showEditor = true;
$scope.msg = "ok";
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.msg = "ko";
it('has to return text from image', inject(function($httpBackend) {
var expected = {text : 'blabla'};
expect($scope.textes.text).toBe(expected.text); // this line has to be false because the value of $scope.textes.text is different from expected.text value.
expect($scope.textes.source).toBe('./image.png');// this line is true and when the parameter of the matcher is changed it becomes false
问题是我访问的值($scope.textes.source 是正确的 ./image.png)但值 $scope.textes.text 不正确并且与预期的相同。text