我正在尝试按照Misko Heverys 的见解设计一个应用程序。这是一个有趣的实验,也是一个挑战。目前我正在为我的 ViewHelper 实现而苦苦挣扎。

ViewHelper 将模型与视图分离。在我的实现中,它包装模型并提供 API 供视图使用。我正在使用 PHP,但我希望每个人都可以阅读该实现:

class PostViewHelper {
    private $postModel;

    public function __construct(PostModel $postModel) {
         $this->postModel = $postModel;

    public function title() {
         return $this->postModel->getTitle();


<h1><?php echo $this->post->title(); ?></h1>

到现在为止还挺好。我遇到的问题是当我想将过滤器附加到 ViewHelpers 时。我想要过滤 title() 调用输出的插件。该方法将变成这样:

public function title() {
    return $this->filter($this->postModel->getTitle());

我需要让观察者在那里,或者一个 EventHandler,或者任何服务(在我看来是一个新的,所以它需要通过堆栈传递)。我怎样才能按照 Misko Hevery 的原则做到这一点?我知道没有它我怎么能做到这一点。我对如何接受它很感兴趣,目前我没有看到解决方案。ViewHelper 也可以是可注入的,但是将模型放入其中是个问题。


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interface PostInterface
    public function title();

class PostModel implements PostInterface
    public function title()
        return $this->title;

class PostViewHelper implements PostInterface
    public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
        $this->post = $post;

    public function title()
        return $this->post->title();

class PostFilter implements PostInterface
    public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
        $this->post = $post;

    public function title()
        return $this->filter($this->post->title());

    protected function filter($str)
        return "FILTERED:$str";

You'd simply use whatever DI framework you have to build this object graph like so:

$post = new PostFilter(new PostViewHelper($model)));

I often use this approach when building complex nested objects.

One problem you might run into is defining "too many" functions in your PostInterface. It can be a pain to have to implement these in every decorator class. I take advantage of the PHP magic functions to get around this.

interface PostInterface
     * Minimal interface. This is the accessor
     * for the unique ID of this Post.
    public function getId();

class SomeDecoratedPost implements PostInterface
    public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
        $this->_post = $post;

    public function getId()
        return $this->_post->getId();

     * The following magic functions proxy all 
     * calls back to the decorated Post
    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        return call_user_func_array(array($this->_post, $name), $arguments);

    public function __get($name)
        return $this->_post->get($name);

    public function __set($name, $value)
        $this->_post->__set($name, $value);

    public function __isset($name)
        return $this->_post->__isset($name);

    public function __unset($name)

With this type of decorator in use, I can selectively override whatever method I need to provide the decorated functionality. Anything I don't override is passed back to the underlying object. Multiple decorations can occur all while maintaining the interface of the underlying object.

于 2010-02-05T18:07:19.943 回答