方法。该方法负责解析/创建需要绑定的 html。例如,假设您有下一个模板
<polymer-element name="data-ul" extends="ul" attributes="items">
<template repeat="{{item in items}}" ref="itemTemplate"></template> <!-- this is the replacement of content tag -->
<script type="application/dart" src="data-ul.dart"></script>
<polymer-element name="data-ul" extends="ul" attributes="items">
<template repeat="{{item in items}}">
<!-- Def elements -->
<template bind="{{item}}" ref="itemTemplate"></template> <!-- this is the replacement of content tag -->
<!-- Def elements -->
<script type="application/dart" src="data-ul.dart"></script>
class DataUl extends LiElement with Polymer, Observable {
DataUl.created() : super.created();
@published List items;
void parseDeclaration(Element elementElement) {
// We need to remove previous template from element.templateContent
// in that way it no continues adding a new content every time that we instantiate
// this component.
var previousTemplate = element.templateContent.querySelector('template#item');
if(previousTemplate != null)
var t = this.querySelector('#itemTemplate'); // Gets the template with id itemTemplate from the content html
if(t != null) // if not null
element.templateContent.append(t); // append itemTemplate to element.templateContent
element.templateContent.append(new TemplateElement()..id='itemTemplate'); //if no template is added append an empty template to avoid errors
super.parseDeclaration(elementElement); // call super
<ul is="data-ul" items="{{[{'first_name': 'jay'}, {'first_name': 'joy'}]}}">
<template id="itemTemplate">