I have an app on google app engine written in python 2.7 that uses the numpy third party library that is included with app engine. I am using numpy.linalg.solve() to solve a linear algebra equation. Does numpy on app engine make use of ATLAS, or LAPACK or BLAS to make the numpy.linalg.solve() function to run faster or is this function only executing in Python. The reason I ask is that I noticed that the numpy.linalg.solve() routine runs about 10X slower on app engine than a comparable solver on MATLAB on my computer. MATLAB uses ATLAS, LAPACK and BLAS under the hood so I was wondering numpy on app engine does also. The python command numpy.config.show() on app engine lists information about ATLAS, LAPACK and BLAS but I would like to know is does numpy.linalg.solve() make use of these libraries under the hood, or is it just executing python code?


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使用 LAPACK 例程 _gesv 计算解决方案


更一般地说,numpy 包含 C 代码和 python,这就是为什么它是您可以选择使用的库之一 - 您不能自己上传它。

就您计算机的相对性能而言,您的计算机可能比标准 appengine 实例之一强大得多 - 前端实例 F1 的默认值仅为 600MHz,内存为 128MB。

于 2013-12-21T20:05:20.947 回答