它允许您使用常见的比较和一元运算符,例如 < <= > >= + -,并在 T 类型和 RestrictedNumber 类型之间混合使用,因此,例如,您可以将 RestrictedNumber 传递给任何期望的方法一个双精度值,同时仍然保持可能超出范围的初始值。
public class RestrictedNumber<T> : IEquatable<RestrictedNumber<T>>, IComparable<RestrictedNumber<T>>
where T: IEquatable<T>,IComparable<T>
T min;
T max;
readonly T value;
public RestrictedNumber(T min, T max, T value)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.value = value;
public T UnrestrictedValue
get{ return value; }
public static implicit operator T(RestrictedNumber<T> n)
return get_restricted_value(n);
public static implicit operator RestrictedNumber<T>(T value)
return new RestrictedNumber<T>(value, value, value);
static T get_restricted_value(RestrictedNumber<T> n)
// another yoink from Jon Skeet
return n.value.CompareTo(n.min) < 0 ? n.min
: n.value.CompareTo(n.max) > 0 ? n.max
: n.value;
T restricted_value
get { return get_restricted_value(value); }
public T Min // optional to expose this
get { return this.min; }
set { this.min = value; } // optional to provide a setter
public T Max // optional to expose this
get { return this.max; }
set { this.max = value; } // optional to provide a setter
public bool Equals(RestrictedNumber<T> other)
return restricted_value.Equals(other);
public int CompareTo(RestrictedNumber<T> other)
return restricted_value.CompareTo(other);
public override string ToString()
return restricted_value.ToString();
public class RestrictedNumberExercise
public void ad_hoc_paces()
// declare with min, max, and value
var i = new RestrictedNumber<int>(1, 10, 15);
Debug.Assert(i == 10d);
Debug.Assert(i.UnrestrictedValue == 15d);
// declare implicitly
// my implementation initially sets min and max equal to value
RestrictedNumber<double> d = 15d;
d.Min = 1;
d.Max = 10;
Debug.Assert(i == 10d); // compare with other, "true" doubles
Debug.Assert(i.UnrestrictedValue == 15d); // still holds the original value
RestrictedNumber<decimal> m = new RestrictedNumber<decimal>(55.5m,55.5m,55.499m);
Debug.Assert(m == 55.5m);
Debug.Assert(m > m.UnrestrictedValue); // test out some other operators
Debug.Assert(m >= m.UnrestrictedValue); // we didn't have to define these
Debug.Assert(m + 10 == 65.5m); // you even get unary operators
RestrictedNumber<decimal> other = 50m;
Debug.Assert(m > other); // compare two of these objects
Debug.Assert(other <= m); // ...again without having to define the operators
Debug.Assert(m - 5.5m == other); // unary works with other Ts
Debug.Assert(m + other == 105.5m); // ...and with other RestrictedNumbers
Debug.Assert(55.5m - m == 0);
Debug.Assert(m - m == 0);
// passing to method that expects the primitive type
Func<float,float> square_float = f => f * f;
RestrictedNumber<float> restricted_float = 3;
Debug.Assert(square_float(restricted_float) == 9f);
// this sort of implementation is not without pitfalls
// there are other IEquatable<T> & IComaparable<T> types out there...
var restricted_string = new RestrictedNumber<string>("Abigail", "Xander", "Yolanda");
Debug.Assert(restricted_string == "Xander"); // this works
//Debug.Assert(restricted_string >= "Thomas"); // many operators not supported here
var pitfall = new RestrictedNumber<int>(1, 100, 200);
Debug.Assert(pitfall == 100);
pitfall = 200;
// Debug.Assert(pitfall == 100);
// FAIL -- using the implicit operator is effectively
// a factory method that returns a NEW RestrictedNumber
// with min and max initially equal to value (in my implementation)
Debug.Assert(pitfall == 200);
pitfall = 10;
Debug.Assert(pitfall.Min == 10 && pitfall.Max == 10);
Debug.Assert(pitfall == 11); // d'oh!
Debug.Assert(pitfall.Min == 11 && pitfall.Max == 11); // "it goes up to eleven"
// if you need to change the input value for an existing
// RestrictedNumber, you could expose a SetValue method
// and make value not readonly
您可以将这种方法与 Bryan 的 fluent-ish 界面结合起来,并走得更远(尽管您可能并不真正需要,这都是疯狂的矫枉过正)。
var n = Restrict<int
var p = Restrict<double