我需要在 Delphi 5 中创建一个 QuickReport,其布局如下:
| Report Header
| Detail Band (auto-stretching, repeats)
| Child band (fixed-size)
| Child band (Auto-stretching)
| Child band (fixed-size)
| Report Footer (auto-stretching)
| Report Footer (auto-stretching)
| Report Footer (fixed size)
任何人都可以想出标题,详细信息,子,页脚,子详细信息,组标题,组页脚带的组合 - 以及它们之间相关的父,主,报告,查询链接,这样我就可以制作报告我需要看吗?
- 头带
- 细节带
- 儿童乐队
- 页脚带
- 整个报告开头的单个带区(报告标题)
- 由四个乐队组成的重复组
- 在所有细节之后出现的三个带,前两个是自动拉伸的
| Suspicious Transaction Report
| STR No.: 12345
| Date: 11/28/1973
| Comments: as per NSL 1/13/2010
| Transaction 1 of 7
| Buy Sell
| $100.00 $16,000.00
| $27,000.00
| $12,000.00
. ...
| Customer Information
| Name: Shelby Lake
| Address: 11111 S NC-HWY 111
| DOB: 6/19/1981
| ID No.: G123-456-789
| Occupation: waitress
| Original Transaction
| Buy Sell
| $100.00 $16,000.00
| $3,000.00 $27,000.39
| $64,132.69 $12,000.13
. ... ...
| Third Party Information
| Name: Yugo Chavez
| Address: 11111 S AB
| DOB: 9/15/1934
| ID No.: 995-1935
| Occupation: dictator
| Transaction 7 of 7
| Description of Suspicious Activity
| Customer had beedy eyes, that moved
| rapidly from left to right. He...
. ...
| Action Taken
| We killed him, went through his
| pickets, then started digging the...
| Signature: _______________________
| Bruce Wayne
| Title: The Batman
| Employee ID: 1337-6669
StrID int,
Number text,
Date datetime,
Comments text,
DescriptionOfSuspiciousActivity text,
ActionTaken text,
EmployeeName text,
EmployeeTitle text,
EmployeeNumber text )
CREATE TABLE STRTransactions (
STRTranasctionID int,
STRID int,
BuyAmount money)
CREATE TABLE STRTransactionSells (
STRTransactionID int,
SellAmount money)
CREATE TABLE STRTransactionPatronInfo (
STRTransactionID int,
Name text,
Address text,
DOB text,
IDNumber text,
Occupation text )
CREATE TABLE STRTransactionThirdPartyInfo (
STRTransactionID int,
Name text,
Address text,
DOB text,
IDNumber text,
Occupation text )
CREATE TABLE OriginalTransactions (
STRTransactionID int,
BuyAmount money,
SellAmount money )
我尝试使用以下乐队布局创建 QuackReport:
| PageHeader (TQRBand, BandType=rbPageHeader) |
| DetailBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbDetail) |
| ChildBand1 (TQRChildBnad, Parent=DetailBand) |
! (autostretch) !
| ChildBand2 (TQRChildBand, Parent=ChildBand1 |
| ChildBand3 (TQRChildBand, Parent=(none) |
! (autostretch) !
| ChildBand4 (TQRChildBand, Parent=ChildBand3 |
! (autostretch) !
| SummaryBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbSummary) |
注意:缩进用于帮助识别父子关系(即带实际上不是缩进 50 像素)
| PageHeader (TQRBand, BandType=rbPageHeader) |
| DetailBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbDetail) |
| ChildBand1 (TQRChildBnad, Parent=DetailBand) |
! (autostretch) !
| ChildBand2 (TQRChildBand, Parent=ChildBand1 |
| SummaryBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbSummary) |
| ChildBand3 (TQRChildBand, Parent=(none) |
! (autostretch) !
| ChildBand4 (TQRChildBand, Parent=ChildBand3 |
! (autostretch) !
| PageHeader (TQRBand, BandType=rbPageHeader) |
| DetailBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbDetail) |
| ChildBand1 (TQRChildBnad, Parent=DetailBand) |
! (autostretch) !
| ChildBand2 (TQRChildBand, Parent=ChildBand1 |
| SummaryBand (TQRBand, BandType=rbSummary) |