I'm working with my first api here and I'm trying to get through the Oauth authorization so i can start working with the api. When trying to get the short life access key with the following code surveymonkey is telling me I have an invalid uri. The api key and username are replaced with dummies

string url = "https://api.surveymonkey.net/oauth/authorize";
string api_key = "api_key=sdwertyujgfv3f24qqa4kfyd";
string client_id = "client_id=XXX";
string redirect_uri="redirect_uri=http://localhost";
url = url + "?" + redirect_uri +"&" + client_id + "&" + api_key;

What is the uri and how do i use is in this situation.


1 回答 1


你不能有点localhost链接。您可以尝试使用127.0.0.1它来使其正常工作。但最终,一旦应用程序被部署,它的主机名就不会是 localhost,所以如果这是唯一的障碍,它就会工作。

于 2018-01-10T16:31:57.553 回答