1.如果顶部栏是导航栏,则再次使用 push segue 而不是 modal 和 setup 按钮
2. 如果你想使用相同的顶栏,只需通过编写自定义segue来模拟模态视图演示
- (void)perform
//add as subview with origin y at bottom -50
CGRect frame = [[self destinationViewController] view].frame;
frame.origin.y = [[self sourceViewController] view].frame.size.height -50;
[[self destinationViewController] view].frame = frame;
[[[self sourceViewController] view] addSubview:[[self destinationViewController] view]];
//animate frame with new y postion
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
CGRect frame = [[self destinationViewController] view].frame;
frame.origin.y =[[self sourceViewController] view].frame.origin.y - SOME_OFFSET_VALUE_TO_SHOW_TOP_BAR;
[[self destinationViewController] view].frame = frame;
3 . 如果您不想进行模态转场,则只需使用 2 中的自定义转场,并将您的视图(白色)添加为导航栏下方区域的子视图