I am trying to test the RestKit object mapping to an array of elements using RKTestFixtures.

When I try testing just 1 element of my Tutorial-object (which has a name and a description), everything works fine using the test-method below.

- (RKObjectMapping *)tutorialMapping {
    RKObjectMapping *objectMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Tutorial class]];
    [objectMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{
            @"name" : @"name",
            @"description" : @"description"
    return objectMapping;

- (void)testMappingOfDescriptionWithValue {
    RKMappingTest *mappingTest = [RKMappingTest testForMapping:[self tutorialMapping] sourceObject:self.parsedJSON destinationObject:nil];
    [mappingTest addExpectation:[RKPropertyMappingTestExpectation expectationWithSourceKeyPath:@"description"
                                                                                     value:@"This is an example description"]];
    XCTAssert([mappingTest evaluate]);

But, when I try testing an array of Tutorial-objects like the one below using evaluationBlocks, I can't get the mapping right...

        "name": "Tutorial name 1",
        "description": "This is an example description"
        "name": "Tutorial name 2",
        "description": "This is an example description"

Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Google didn't get me right through it...


I am sending my JSON using the Fixtures feature:

NSBundle *testTargetBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
[RKTestFixture setFixtureBundle:testTargetBundle];

self.parsedJSON = [RKTestFixture parsedObjectWithContentsOfFixture:@"tutorials.json"];

And in my test-method:

RKMappingTest *mappingTest = [RKMappingTest testForMapping:[self tutorialMapping] sourceObject:self.parsedJSON destinationObject:nil];

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