I created a project using hottowel 2.0.1 in VS 2012 and have the following code following the HotTowel course/example. However I got following error.

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'navigateTo' ?

I set a break point at the line and found router doesn't have method navigateTo. However, it does have method navigate. Is the name changed?

define(['services/datacontext', 'plugins/router', 'services/logger'],
function (datacontext, router, logger) {
    var gotoDetails = function (selectedEvent) {
        if (selectedEvent && selectedEvent.Id()) {
            var url = '#/eventdetail/' + selectedEvent.Id();

    var viewAttached = function (view) {
        bindEventToList(view, '.event-brief', gotoDetails);

    var bindEventToList = function (rootSelector, selector, callback, eventName) {
        var eName = eventName || 'click';
        $(rootSelector).on(eName, selector, function () {
            var event = ko.dataFor(this);
            return false;

    var vm = {
        activate: activate,
        deactivate: deactivate,
        refresh: refresh,
        events: events,
        title: title,
        attached: viewAttached

    return vm;


You should convert your application to Durandal 2:

http://www.johnpapa.net/upgrading-durandal-to-version-2-0/ (amongst other changes there is this: router.navigateTo is now router.navigate)

or use official Durandal 2 template instead of HotTowel


1 回答 1


您应该将您的应用程序转换为 Durandal 2:

http://www.johnpapa.net/upgrading-durandal-to-version-2-0/ (除其他更改外,还有:router.navigateTo 现在是 router.navigate)

或使用官方 Durandal 2 模板代替 HotTowel

于 2013-12-16T11:32:56.177 回答