I have a list of LocalDate
items that represent sets of start dates and end dates.
I would like to be able to store date ranges, so that I can perform operations on them as a set of overlapping or distinct ranges, etc.
- Does NodaTime provide some sort of DateRange construct that I've missed in the docs?
- Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there a more natural / preferred way to accomplish this that NodaTime already allows for?
- Am I setting myself up for trouble by attempting to think about a date range using a LocalDate for a start and an end date?
I'm completely new to NodaTime and assuming that this is a conceptual misunderstanding on my part.
Update: I noticed a similar question on the subject from 2009, but that seems to refer to another utilies class; I'm assuming that since then NodaTime may have evolved to accomodate this situation.