在 AIR 应用程序中使用时,OS X 中的一些标准击键要么被忽略,要么产生“神秘”字符,而不是按预期运行。例子:
- option+left arrow应该将插入符号向后移动一个单词,它会打印一个神秘字符
- ctrl+h应该向后删除一个字符,它会打印 h
我如何支持 OS X 默认按键(在此处列出:http ://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~jrus/Site/System%20Bindings.html )?
在 AIR 应用程序中使用时,OS X 中的一些标准击键要么被忽略,要么产生“神秘”字符,而不是按预期运行。例子:
我如何支持 OS X 默认按键(在此处列出:http ://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~jrus/Site/System%20Bindings.html )?
我在 Webkit 源代码中找到了一些线索来启用<mx:HTML>
视图支持,这里:http ://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/10.5/WebCore-5523.10.3/editing/Editor.cpp
以及有关 Webkit 预期语法的线索:http: //lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/webkit-unassigned/2007-May/038737.html
请注意,此解决方案不完整,不适用于 Flex/Flash 组件,并且取决于 Prototype:
$(document).observe('dom:loaded', function() {
// Defined in AIR as !!NativeApplication.supportsDockIcon
if(window.Air.OperatingSystem == 'mac') {
var keyBindings = {
altKey: {
// Up (should be 38)
14: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'paragraph'
// Down (should be 40)
15: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'paragraph'
// Left (should be 37)
1: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'word'
// Right (should be 39)
2: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'word'
// Backspace
8: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'word',
del: true
// Delete
46: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'word',
del: true
ctrlKey: {
// Left
37: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'lineBoundary'
// Right
39: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'lineBoundary'
// a
65: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'paragraphBoundary'
// b
66: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'character'
// d
68: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'character',
del: true
// e
69: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'paragraphBoundary'
// f
70: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'character'
// h
72: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'character',
del: true
// k
75: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'paragraphBoundary',
del: true
// n
78: {
dir: 1,
gran: 'line'
// p
80: {
dir: -1,
gran: 'line'
$(document).observe('keydown', function(e) {
var target = e.element();
target.match('input') ||
target.match('textarea') ||
target.readAttribute('contenteditable') == 'true'
) {
(e.keyCode in keyBindings.altKey && e.altKey) ||
(e.keyCode in keyBindings.ctrlKey && e.ctrlKey)
) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
var keystroke = keyBindings[(e.altKey ? 'altKey' : 'ctrlKey')][e.keyCode];
(e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 46) ||
) {
keystroke.del || e.shiftKey ?
'extend' :
keystroke.dir == -1 ? 'backward' : keystroke.dir == 1 ? 'forward' : null,
if(keystroke.del && !selection.isCollapsed) {
document.execCommand('delete', false, null);