我有一个简单的数据结构可以在 smallcheck 中进行测试。

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck
import Test.SmallCheck.Series
import GHC.Generics

data T1 = T1 { p1 :: Int,
               p2 :: Char,
               p3 :: [Int]
             } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Monad m => Serial m T1

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tests" [scProps]

scProps = testGroup "(checked by SmallCheck)"
  [ testProperty "Test1" prop_test1

prop_test1 x = x == x
             where types = (x :: T1)

运行测试时,是否有任何通用解决方案来设置(单个)测试的参数,或者更好的是,为单个字段Depth设置参数的细粒度解决方案,例如将深度限制为 2 以避免搜索的组合爆炸空间?Depthp3




编辑:我采用了Roman Cheplyaka
接受的答案中给出的解决方案,并在一个最小的工作示例中实现了它们(感谢 Roman):

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck
import Test.SmallCheck.Series
import Data.Functor
-- =============================================================================
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
-- =============================================================================
-- the data structure to be tested
data T1 = T1 { p1 :: Int,
               p2 :: Char,
               p3 :: Int,
               p5 :: [Int]
             } deriving (Show, Eq)
-- =============================================================================
-- some test-properties
prop_test1 x y = x == y
               where types = (x :: T1, y :: T1)
prop_test2 x = x == x
             where types = (x :: T1)
-- =============================================================================
-- how to change the depth of the search spaces?
{-| I Possibility: Command Line |-}
-- foo@bar$ runhaskell Test.hs --smallcheck-depth 2

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{-| II Possibility: |-}
-- normal:
-- tests :: TestTree
-- tests = testGroup "Tests" [scProps]

-- custom:
tests :: TestTree
tests = localOption d $ testGroup "Tests" [scProps]
      where d = 3 :: SmallCheckDepth

scProps = testGroup "(checked by SmallCheck)"
  [ testProperty "Test1" prop_test1, 
    testProperty "Test2" prop_test2 

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{-| III Possibility: Adjust Depth when making the type instance of Serial |-}
-- normal:
-- instance (Monad m) => Serial m T1 where
--   series = T1 <$> series <~> series <~> series <~> series 

-- custom:
instance (Monad m) => Serial m T1 where
    series = localDepth (const 4) $ T1 <$> (localDepth (const 2) series) <~> series <~> series <~> (decDepth series) 

-- (a few more examples):
-- instance (Monad m) => Serial m T1 where
--    series = decDepth $ T1 <$> series <~> series <~> series <~> (decDepth series ) 
-- instance (Monad m) => Serial m T1 where
--   series = localDepth (const 3) $ T1 <$> series <~> series <~> series <~> series 
-- instance (Monad m) => Serial m T1 where
--    series = localDepth (const 4) $ T1 <$> series <~> series <~> series <~> (decDepth series) 

2 回答 2


我将首先列出taste & smallcheck 提供的开箱即用的控制方式:

  • 运行测试套件时,您可以通过--smallcheck-depth选项来控制«common»深度
  • 编写测试套件时,您可以使用adjustOption相对于命令行(或父树)上指定的内容来调整任何子树的深度
  • 最后,在编写串行实例时,您可以使用localDepth相对于整个结构的深度来调整每个特定字段所需的深度。通常它是整体深度 - 1(这是decDepth标准定义中的内容),但您可以发明自己的规则。

因此,这种控制是可能的,尽管是以间接的方式。通常,无论如何它都是您想要的 - 另请参阅此答案


如果这个功能对你很重要,可以在 github 上打开一个问题并解释你为什么需要它。(但首先,请务必阅读我对上面链接的 ocharles 的回复。您很少需要在运行时调整深度。)

于 2013-12-14T17:37:43.217 回答

总结和举例说明,假设您想尝试深度为 2,您有多种选择。


./test --smallcheck-depth 2

从 cabal 运行测试套件时:

cabal test --test-options="--smallcheck-depth 2"

通过更改 testGroup/TestTree 中的深度:

-- Global depth + 1  (usually supplied by command line)
props = adjustOption (+ SmallCheckDepth 1) $
        testGroup "some props"
          [ SC.testProperty myProp1
          , SC.testProperty myProp2

-- Local depth = 2
prps2 = localOption (SmallCheckDepth 2) $
        testGroup "fixed depth"
        [ ... ]

adjustOption和localOption可以用于特定的属性。我个人认为 adjustOption 更可取,因为它只是调整命令行或任何封闭的 TestTree 提供的任何内容

于 2014-06-04T18:50:21.930 回答