我想从一个文件中获取 2 个固定长度的变量字符串(10chars 和 32chars),并将它们保存为变量,以便稍后在我的程序中传递并将它们写入一个新文件。我可以将数据从用户输入写入新文件,但我似乎不知道如何定位数据并将其存储以供使用,因此用户不必手动输入 42 个字符和风险错误。这些字符串的内容会有所不同,并且在文件中的位置可能会有所不同,但总是会出现在常量字符串“序列号 =”之后。如果有一个已知的刺痛开始的偏移位置怎么办,这可以使它更容易吗?我在想 fget 或 fread ......但我找不到一个可行的例子。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
FILE *f;
FILE * pFile;
char sn[11];
char uuid[33];
if (f = fopen("test.txt", "rt"))
fseek (f,443,SEEK_SET); //file offset location to begin read
fread(uuid, 1, 32, f); //Read the data of 32 chars
uuid[32] = 0;
fseek (f,501,SEEK_SET); //file offset location to begin read
fread(sn, 1, 10, f); //Read the data of 10 chars
sn[10] = 0;
fclose(f); //Close our file
printf("The 32 character UUID:\n%s\n", uuid); //Show read/extracted Data
printf("The 10 character SN:\n%s\n", sn); //Show read/extracted Data
pFile = fopen ("testfile.exe","r+b"); //Open binary file to inject data
fseek (pFile,24523,SEEK_SET); //1st file offset location to begin write
fputs (sn,pFile); //Write our data!
fseek (pFile,24582,SEEK_SET); //2nd file offset location to begin write
fputs (uuid,pFile); //Write our data!
fseek (pFile,24889,SEEK_SET); //3rd file offset location to begin write
fputs (uuid,pFile); //Write our data!
fclose(pFile); //Close our file
printf ("Finished\n");