我在 C++ 中有以下代码(稍后解释):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct th_private{
double mean_tau;

    mean_tau = 0;


class resistor
    string name;
     Approach 0: Within each resistor strcuture, declare arrays of 'thread private'
     variables. Thread 0 will use mean_tau[0], offset[0].., Thread 1 will use
     mean_tau[1], offset[1]... and so on. As I understand, this is not a good
     approach, would lead to a lot of false sharing.   
    vector<double> mean_tau;

     Approach 1: 1D array of struct th_private in each instance of the resistor, 
     where state[0] is used ONLY by thread[0], state[0] is used ONLY by thread[1]
     and so on. Could potentially elimiate false sharing, but how to ensure
     it will align in the cache? 
    vector<th_private> state;

    resistor(  )
        name = "";


    void prepare_for_threads( int num_threads )
        /* If Approach 0 */

        /* Else If Approach 1 */

class mesh
    vector<resistor*> R;

    mesh( int num_resistors, int num_threads )
        for( int i = 0; i < num_resistors; i++ )
            resistor *r = new resistor();
            r->prepare_for_threads( num_threads );


 Approach 2: Declare a global 2D matrix, where each row belongs to a
 thread and each column belongs to a resistor. Seems to be the best approach.

             R[0]   R[1]    R[2]    R[3]    R[4]        R[9]

    thread0: [0][0] [0][1]  [0][2]  [0][3]  [0][4]  ..  [0][9]  
    thread3: [3][0] [3][1]  [3][2]  [3][3]  [3][4]  ..  [3][9]  

th_private __attribute__((aligned(0x1000))) global_state[4][10];

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    // Assume that there are 4 threads declared.

    mesh grid(10, 4);

    printf("sizeof(th_private): %d\n", sizeof(th_private));

    printf("Approach 1: %p %p %p %p\n", &grid.R[0]->state[0], &grid.R[0]->state[1], &grid.R[0]->state[2], &grid.R[0]->state[3]);
    printf("Approach 2: %p %p %p %p\n", &global_state[0][0], &global_state[0][1], &global_state[0][2], &global_state[0][3]);

在 64 位 linux 机器上的输出是:

sizeof(th_private): 8
Approach 1: 0x658080 0x658088 0x658090 0x658098
Approach 2: 0x608000 0x608008 0x608010 0x608018


  • 方法 0:在每个电阻器结构中,声明“线程私有”变量数组。线程 0 将使用 mean_tau[0]、offset[0]..,线程 1 将使用 mean_tau[1]、offset[1]...等等。据我了解,这不是一个好方法,会导致很多虚假分享。
  • 方法 1:电阻器的每个实例中的 struct th_private 的一维数组,其中 state[0] 仅由 thread[0] 使用,state[0] 仅由 thread[1] 使用,依此类推。可能会消除错误共享,但如何确保它在缓存中对齐?
  • 方法 2:声明一个全局 2D 矩阵,其中每一行属于一个线程,每一列属于一个电阻器(代码中的更多详细信息)。

现在,i) 避免错误共享和 ii) 缓存对齐,哪种方法最好?


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