I'm trying to call a mapreduce job from a java application. In former hadoop versions (1.x) I created a Configuration object and a Job object, set mapred.job.tracker and fs.default.name in the Configuration and ran the Job. Now, in hadoop 2.x the job tracker does not exist anymore neither exists there any documentation on how to programatically run MR1 jobs. Any ideas?

What I'm looking for is an explaination as given here: Calling a mapreduce job from a simple java program


1 回答 1


Legacy MR 和 YARN 的 MR 客户端 API 相同。可以在配置对象上设置属性,而不是在 xml 配置文件中指定。在此处此处查看文档和所需配置,以在 YARN 中设置和执行简单的 MR 作业。

于 2013-12-14T10:41:01.917 回答