I am building an LZW encoding algorithm, which uses dictionary and hashing so it can reach fast enough for working words already stored in a dictionary.
The algorithm gives proper results when ran on smaller files (cca few hundreds of symbols), but on the larger files (and especially in those files which contain of less different symbols - for example, it gives the worst performance when ran on a file which consists only of 1 symbol, 'y' let's say). The worst performance, in terms that it just crashes when dictionary is not even close to being full. However, when the large input file consists of more than 1 symbol, dictionary gets close to being full, approximately 90%, but again then it crashes.
Considering the structure of my algorithm, I am not quite sure what is causing it to crash in general, or crash so soon when large file of just 1 symbol is given. It must be something about hashing (first time doing it, so it might have some bugs).
The hash function I am using can be found here, and from what I have tested it, it gives good results: oat_hash
LZW encoding algorithm is based on this link, with slight change, that it works until the dictionary is not full: LZW encoder
Let's get into code:
Note: oat_hash is changed so it returns value % CAPACITY, so every index is from DICTIONARY
// Globals
#define CAPACITY 100000
unsigned short CODES[CAPACITY]; // CODES and DICTIONARY are linked via index: word from dictionary on index i, has its code in CODES on index i
int position = 0;
int code_counter = 0;
void encode(FILE *input, FILE *output){
int succ1 = fseek(input, 0, SEEK_SET);
if(succ1 != 0) printf("Error: file not open!");
int succ2 = fseek(output, 0, SEEK_SET);
if(succ2 != 0) printf("Error: file not open!");
//1. Working word = next symbol from the input
char *working_word = malloc(2048*sizeof(char));
char new_symbol = getc(input);
working_word[0] = new_symbol;
working_word[1] = '\0';
//2. WHILE(there are more symbols on the input) DO
//3. NewSymbol = next symbol from the input
while((new_symbol = getc(input)) != EOF){
char *workingWord_and_newSymbol= NULL;
char newSymbol[2];
newSymbol[0] = new_symbol;
newSymbol[1] = '\0';
workingWord_and_newSymbol = working_word_and_new_symbol(working_word, newSymbol);
int index = oat_hash(workingWord_and_newSymbol, strlen(workingWord_and_newSymbol));
//4. IF(WorkingWord + NewSymbol) is already in the dictionary THEN
if(DICTIONARY[index] != NULL){
// 5. WorkingWord += NewSymbol
working_word = working_word_and_new_symbol(working_word, newSymbol);
//6. ELSE
//7. OUTPUT: code for WorkingWord
int idx = oat_hash(working_word, strlen(working_word));
fprintf(output, "%u", CODES[idx]);
//8. Add (WorkingWord + NewSymbol) into a dictionary and assign it a new code
DICTIONARY[index] = workingWord_and_newSymbol;
CODES[index] = code_counter + 1;
code_counter += 1;
working_word = strdup(newSymbol);
}else break;
//10. END IF
//12. OUTPUT: code for WorkingWord
int index = oat_hash(working_word, strlen(working_word));
fprintf(output, "%u", CODES[index]);