给定一个免费的 monad DSL,例如:

data FooF x = Foo String x
            | Bar Int    x
  deriving (Functor)

type Foo = Free FooF


printFoo :: Foo -> IO ()
printFoo (Free (Foo s n)) = print s >> printFoo n
printFoo (Free (Bar i n)) = print i >> printFoo n

在我看来,应该可以在 printFoo 的每次迭代中散布一些东西,而无需手动进行:

printFoo' :: Foo -> IO ()
printFoo' (Free (Foo s n)) = print s >> print "extra info" >> printFoo' n
printFoo' (Free (Bar i n)) = print i >> print "extra info" >> printFoo' n


动机:我正在编写一个“编译”为二进制格式的小型 DSL。二进制格式在每个用户命令之后包含一些额外的信息。它必须在那里,但在我的用例中完全无关紧要。


5 回答 5


其他答案错过了它的简单free性!:) 目前你有

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Monad.Free

data FooF x = Foo String x
            | Bar Int    x
  deriving (Functor)

type Foo = Free FooF

program :: Free FooF ()
program = do
  liftF (Foo "Hello" ())
  liftF (Bar 1 ())
  liftF (Foo "Bye" ())

printFoo :: Foo () -> IO ()
printFoo (Free (Foo s n)) = print s >> printFoo n
printFoo (Free (Bar i n)) = print i >> printFoo n
printFoo (Pure a) = return a


*Main> printFoo program 


printFooF :: FooF (IO a) -> IO a
printFooF (Foo s x) = print s >> x
printFooF (Bar i x) = print i >> x

printFooBetter :: Foo () -> IO ()
printFooBetter = iterM printFooF


*Main> printFooBetter program


printFooFExtra :: FooF (IO a) -> IO a
printFooFExtra = (print "stuff before IO action" >>)
                 . printFooF
                 . fmap (print "stuff after IO action" >>)

printFooExtra :: Foo () -> IO ()
printFooExtra = iterM printFooFExtra


*Main> printFooExtra program
"stuff before IO action"
"stuff after IO action"
"stuff before IO action"
"stuff after IO action"
"stuff before IO action"
"stuff after IO action"

感谢 Gabriel Gonzalez 推广免费 monad 和 Edward Kmett 编写库!:)

于 2013-12-13T20:33:46.180 回答




import Control.Monad.Operational

data FooI a where
    Foo :: String -> FooI ()
    Bar :: Int    -> FooI ()

type Foo = Program FooI

printFoo :: Foo a -> IO a
printFoo = interpretWithMonad printExtra
    printExtra :: FooI a -> IO a
    printExtra instr = do { a <- execFooI instr; print "extra info"; return a; }

execFooI :: FooI a -> IO a
execFooI (Foo s) = print s
execFooI (Bar i) = print i
于 2013-12-14T10:24:01.680 回答



{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Monad.Free

data FooF a = Foo String a | Bar Int a deriving (Functor)

type Foo = Free FooF

printFoo :: Show a => Foo a -> IO ()
printFoo (Free (Foo s n)) = print s >> printFoo n
printFoo (Free (Bar i n)) = print i >> printFoo n
printFoo (Pure a)         = print a


annotate :: Foo a -> Foo a
annotate (Free (Foo s n)) = wrapper (Free (Foo s (annotate n)))
annotate (Free (Bar i n)) = wrapper (Free (Bar i (annotate n)))
annotate (Pure a)         = wrapper (Pure a)

wrapper :: Foo a -> Foo a
wrapper n = Free (Foo "Extra info" n)

现在定义一些方便的构造函数来定义你的 DSL

foo :: String -> a -> Foo a
foo s a = Free (Foo s (Pure a))

bar :: Int -> a -> Foo a
bar i a = Free (Bar i (Pure a))

这意味着您可以Foo a仅使用 monad 接口和 DSL 创建对象

example = do
    i <- return 1
    a <- foo "Created A" i
    b <- bar 123 a
    c <- foo "Created C" b
    return c

现在,如果您加载 GHCI,您可以使用原始example版本或带注释的版本

>> printFoo example
"Created A"
"Created C"
>> printFoo (annotate example)
"Extra info"
"Created A"
"Extra info"
"Extra info"
"Created C"
"Extra info"
于 2013-12-13T11:46:41.027 回答


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Pipes

data FooF a = Foo String a | Bar Int a deriving (Functor)

printFoo :: Free FooF a -> IO a
printFoo (Free (Foo s n)) = print s >> printFoo n
printFoo (Free (Bar i n)) = print i >> printFoo n
printFoo (Pure a)         = return a



首先,您必须定义一种“preinterpeter”,将 free monad 提升为Producerfrom pipes。生产者中的yield ()语句表示插入额外操作的点。

pre :: Free FooF a -> Producer () (Free FooF) a
pre (Free (Foo s n)) = lift (Free . Foo s $ return ()) >> yield () >> pre n
pre (Free (Bar i n)) = lift (Free . Bar i $ return ()) >> yield () >> pre n
pre (Pure a)         = lift . Pure $ a 


然后你编写一个函数,在下面printFoo应用解释器,使用from :Producerhoistmmorph

printFooUnder :: Producer () (Free FooF) a -> Producer () IO a
printFooUnder = hoist printFoo



printFooWithReuse :: Show a => Free FooF a -> IO () 
printFooWithReuse foo = do
    finalv <- runEffect $ for (printFooUnder . pre $ foo) 
                              (\_ -> lift (print "extra info"))
    print finalv


printFooWithReuse $ Free (Foo "nah" (Pure 4))
-- > "nah"
-- > "extra info"
-- > 4

如果您碰巧想要手动插入额外的操作,那么您可以避免编写“预解释器”并直接在Producer () (Free FooF)monad 中工作。

(这个解决方案也可以通过分层一个免费的单子变压器而不是 a 来实现Producer。但我认为使用 aProducer更容易一些。)

于 2013-12-13T15:58:48.333 回答


> newtype Fix f = Fix {unFix :: f (Fix f)}
> data N a b x = Z a | S b x deriving (Functor)
> type Nat a b = Fix (N a b)
> let z = Fix . Z
> let s x = Fix . S x
> let x = s "blah" $ s "doo" $ s "duh" $ z 0
> let annotate (Z x) = s "annotate" $ z x;
      annotate (S x y) = s "annotate" $ s x y
> let exec (Z x) = print x; exec (S x y) = print x >> y
> let cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . unFix
> cata exec x
> cata exec $ cata annotate x

现在让我更深入地解释发生了什么,因为评论中有一些请求,并且担心如果我使用 Fix,它将不再是 monad。

考虑函子 G:

G(X) = A + F(G(X))

这里 F 是任意函子。然后对于任何 A,我们可以找到一个不动点(F 和 G 显然是多项式 - 我们在 Hask 中)。由于我们将类别的每个对象 A 映射到该类别的对象,因此我们讨论的是不动点函子 T(A)。事实证明,它是一个 Monad。因为它是任何函子 F 的单子,所以 T(A) 是一个自由单子。(你会从下面的代码中看到它显然是一个 Monad)

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor
           , TypeSynonymInstances #-}

newtype Fix f = Fix {unFix :: f (Fix f)} -- the type of Fixed point of a functor
newtype Compo f g x = Compo {unCompo :: f (g x)} -- composition of functors

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compo f g) where -- composition of functors is a functor
  fmap f = Compo . fmap (fmap f) . unCompo

data FreeF a x = Pure a | Free x deriving (Functor) -- it is a bi-functor, really;
                -- this derives functor in x

-- a special case of fmap - the fmap with unwrapping; useful to eliminate pattern matching
ffmap :: (a -> b) -> FreeF b a -> b
ffmap f x = case fmap f x of -- unwrapping, since now distinction between Pure and Free is not important
              Pure a -> a
              Free a -> a

-- Free Monad is a functor of fixed points of functor G(X)
-- G(X) = A + F(G(X))
type Free f a = Fix (Compo (FreeF a) f) -- fixed point of composition F . (FreeF a)

-- unfortunately, when defined as type, (Free f a) cannot be declared
-- as a Monad (Free f) - Haskell wants Free f to be with `a`
-- instance Monad (Free f) where -- this derives a functor in a at the same time;
--                          note that fmap will work in x, and is not meant
--                          to be equal to (m >>= return . f), which is in `a`
--   return a = Fix $ Compo $ Pure a
--   (Fix (Compo (Pure a))) >>= f  = f a
--   (Fix (Compo (Free fx))) >>= f = Fix $ Compo $ Free $ fmap (>>= f) fx

ret :: (Functor f) => a -> Free f a -- yet it is a monad: this is return
ret = Fix . Compo . Pure

-- and this is >>= of the monad
bind :: (Functor f) => Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b
bind (Fix (Compo (Pure a))) f = f a
bind (Fix (Compo (Free fx))) f = Fix $ Compo $ Free $ fmap (`bind` f) fx

-- Free is done

-- here is your functor FooF
data FooF x = Z Int x | S String x deriving (Functor)

type Foo x = Free FooF x

-- catamorphism for an algebra phi "folds" any F(X) (represented by fixed point of F)
-- into X
cata :: (Functor f) => (f x -> x) -> Fix f -> x
cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . unFix

-- helper functions to construct "Foo a"
z :: Int -> Foo a -> Foo a
z x = Fix . Compo . Free . Z x

s :: String -> Foo a -> Foo a
s x = Fix . Compo . Free . S x

tip :: a -> Foo a
tip = ret

program :: Foo (IO ())
program = s "blah" $ s "doo" $ s "duh" $ z 0 $ tip $ return ()

-- This is essentially a catamorphism; I only added a bit of unwrapping
cata' :: (Functor f) => (f a -> a) -> Free f a -> a
cata' phi = ffmap (phi . fmap (cata' phi)) . unCompo . unFix

exec (Z x y) = print x >> y
exec (S x y) = print x >> y

annotate (Z x y) = s "annotated Z" $ z x y
annotate (S x y) = s "met S" $ s x y

main = do
         cata' exec program
         cata' exec $ cata' annotate (program `bind` (ret . ret))
           -- cata' annotate (program >>= return . return)
           -- or rather cata' annotate $ fmap return program

programFoo (IO ())fmapin a(记住 FreeF 是一个双函子 - 我们需要 fmap in a)可以program变成Foo (Foo (IO ()))- 现在 annotate 的变态可以构造一个新的Foo (IO ()).


于 2013-12-13T14:49:17.697 回答