我使用数据包持续时间从帧索引转换为 pts 并返回,我想确保这是一种可靠的方法。
或者,是否有更好的方法将 pts 转换为帧索引,反之亦然?
bool seekFrame(int64_t frame)
if(frame > container.frameCount)
frame = container.frameCount;
// Seek to a frame behind the desired frame because nextFrame() will also increment the frame index
int64_t seek = pts_cache[frame-1]; // pts_cache is an array of all frame pts values
// get the nearest prior keyframe
int preceedingKeyframe = av_index_search_timestamp(container.video_st, seek, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
// here's where I'm worried that packetDuration isn't a reliable method of translating frame index to
// pts value
int64_t nearestKeyframePts = preceedingKeyframe * container.packetDuration;
int ret = av_seek_frame(container.pFormatCtx, container.videoStreamIndex, nearestKeyframePts, AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY);
if(ret < 0) return false;
container.lastPts = nearestKeyframePts;
AVFrame *pFrame = NULL;
while(nextFrame(pFrame, NULL) && container.lastPts < seek)
container.currentFrame = frame-1;
return true;