I spent my morning reading similar questions/answers (What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?, Multiple levels of keys and values in Python, Python: How to update value of key value pair in nested dictionary?) but I'm still not able to solve the problem.

I have this tab dictionary with a tuple as key and I want as values: an integer, a dictionary, another dictionary and some lists. Then for every key, something like this: (str,str,str,str):{int, {}, {}, [], [] ...}

I want to be able to update these values structures and I need defaultdict because I don't know all the keys and anyway they are too much to be declared one by one manually.

I'm able to do this for a structure like this (str,str,str,str):{int} in this way:

tab=defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))


Or for a structure like this (str,str,str,str):{{}, {}} in this way:

tab=defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))



But not for what I really need. Thank you!

Ok, thank to @RemcoGerlich I'm trying to fix the problem, but I never used class before and maybe there's still something wrong in my code... Btw the int is a counter, the two dictionary have ip addresses like keys and the number of occurrences as values.

class flux(object):
    def __init__(self, count_flux=0, ip_c_dict=None, ip_s_dict=None):
        self.count_flux = count_flux
        self.ip_c_dict = ip_c_dict if ip_c_dict is not None else {}
        self.ip_s_dict = ip_s_dict if ip_s_dict is not None else {}

def log_to_dict(dir_file,dictionary):
    f = gzip.open(dir_file,'r')
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip('\n')
        if not line: break
        elements = line.split(" ")



1 回答 1



class YourClass(object):
    def __init__(self, anint=0, adict=None, anotherdict=None, somelists=None):
        self.anint = anint
        self.adict = adict if adict is not None else {}
        self.anotherdict = anotherdict if anotherdict is not None else {}
        self.somelists = somelists if somelists is not None else []

(不要使用 {} 或 [] 作为默认参数,这会导致它们在所有实例之间共享)。

然后您可以使用 defaultdict(YourClass) 并设置诸如 tab[key].anotherdict[str] ...

于 2013-12-12T13:13:08.857 回答